Day 13: Ben(jamin)

Disclaimer: This story contains mentions of bullying and some sexual-ish content. Nothing graphic, but just a heads up.


His phone vibrated in his pocket. He looked at the caller ID: Mother. He sighed and put it back in his pocket. Ben wasn't feeling the need to pick up his phone, he was in the middle of something.

'Sorry about that, love. Where were we?'

The girl under him giggled. 'You were kissing me, remember?'

'Ah, yeah. I was.' He grinned and leaned down again to connect their lips. The warmth of her lips, the little sighs she made, he was like an addict. Like any other day, he couldn't really remember her name. She had seemed interesting when he saw her in the club, with her brown flowy hair, and seductive hips. He was interested and so was she. Like a little lamb, she had followed him outside, into his car, and now onto the hotel bed.

This was easy, he had done this so many times. They both knew what they were going to do here, and they both wanted it to be just that. Of course, on occasion, there were girls who wanted to be something more than just a hook-up, but he got good at refusing them too.

As he got lower and lower, for some reason he got irritated. It was ridiculous he was thinking about this at this very moment, but he couldn't get the conversation out of his head he had with Oliver.

Prior to this evening, he had called Oliver. He seemed different after the day they beat-up Felix in the bathroom. Sure, they never harmed the guy physically but it was doomed to happen. Especially after things started to change when that girl with the pink hair had shown up. Oliver had been acting distant and talked even less than he usually would. Even over the phone, he sounded different. He felt like he couldn't count on him anymore.

'What are doing there, pretty boy?' The girl giggled again and Ben realized he had been kissing her hip for the last few minutes.

He sighed. This wasn't going to work, he was not in the right headspace. He crawled up again and looked at the girl. She was beautiful no doubt, but there was also no doubt that he was not going to be distracted again. 'I'm so sorry, love. I have a lot on my mind, right now.'

For a second the girl kind of froze. 'Are you serious, right now?'

He just looked at her coldly. 'Well, I can't really help it.'

She scoffed. 'Guess not, huh. Piece of trash...' She crawled from underneath him. 'I thought younger men would satisfy me, you know, stamina-wise. Guess you're just a little boy without some manners.'

He gritted his teeth. 'Well, I'm sorry.' He was not. 'You should leave.'

'I'm already leaving sweetheart.' She was half-dressed and put her shoes on, leaving quietly. She closed the door on her way out and Ben sighed.

This should've been a fun night. No worries, destressing, and tomorrow he can handle that Felix again. 'Damn!'

He really should call T again. He needed him for what he wanted. After he would handle Felix, he finally could get a night of good sleep again. He has been restless for a while but didn't think of the right thing to do to destress. Clubbing and fucking sounded like the best idea and look where that got him.

His dad was getting on his nerves more as well. Acting like he knew everything and Ben was just a dumb person who was wandering around the world randomly. He clenched the sheets underneath him. He needed to regain control again and no one was ever going to regard him as a "lesser" person.

Tomorrow everything was going to be set in the right place. As it always should have.