Milady Yuhi's Birthday

Chapter 54: Milady Yuhi's Birthday

Tetsuya's training was so immersive that only his work as a servant could help him deal with the passing time.

Since it was Milady Yuhi's birthday today, Tetsuya was ordered to stay with her while the head butler and his people took the job of dealing with other matters such as welcoming guests and so on…

The Thera Household's territory spanned over 5% of the whole Yulia Household which was huge considering how many families were here. She had a lot of land to take care for and the birthday party was in one mansion solely built with 'party' purposes.

Here, Tetsuya and Milady Yuhi were looking over servants checking up the chairs and food for the last time.

The whole mansion was really spacious, however.

Even with all tables, food and servants going around, Tetsuya could see the big open space in the middle where nothing was around.