Tonghen Province is the next destination

Chapter 58: Tonghen Province is the next destination

"Milady Yuhi, I would like to request work outside the household." Tetsuya began the conversation after greeting Milady Yuhi with his proper manners and servant's attitude. 

He also could feel that Ashley had been enjoying this encounter already.

His partner probably took too high a liking to Milady Yuhi, but Tetsuya's will wouldn't change that easily. It was good that Ashley was supportive, though.

With his eyes on her, Milady Yuhi glanced to her garden. The only person here could see through her eyes relatively easily.

Her whole attention landed in the place where Tetsuya and Milady Yuhi had been practicing new runes and swordsmanship on a regular basis.

This movement told Tetsuya that Milady Yuhi would miss him which was adorable as she didn't say it out loud, "I would like to go to Tonghen Province." This province caused Milady Yuhi's eyebrows to go up a little.