Tetsuya's plan for Tonghen Province!

Chapter 62: Tetsuya's plan for Tonghen Province!

Tetsuya first wanted to rest after a long journey.

He rented a room in one of the inns, then spent it by gathering some information of the Tonghen Province's lands by talking to all sorts of people.

It started with simple rumors known by townspeople to the meeting with mercenaries. Those mercenaries shared something nice with him.

It was about the northern part surrounded by unknown creatures.

Since there were three strongholds, the borders had separated those on the southern, easter and western side.

There was a small part on the north that belonged to the protector. It turned out that the northern part had been surrounded by monsters for a few years already. Those monsters' origins were unknown, but many had their own speculations.

The most popular one was that the barren land had finally advanced.

It began to spit out monsters to take down those who could control its influence!