Annoying demons

Chapter 118: Annoying demons

The Grand Devil's inferno continued to surround him.

The whole forest already crumbled due to his rage and the circle of flames became the sole domain of this monster.

He stood in the circle, glaring at the flames.

The devil's eyes swept through the flames, then fixed on a certain point that had some reaction within.

By then, the three entities appeared out of it.

"As expected, the grand devil's heated senses are too much," Tetsuya's words rang out. As he said, the grand devil let out so many flames that his senses became one with the flame circle. Even a little disturbance would get noticed by him.

Thus, the surprise kick would be failure and his doom!

Tetsuya's sword was already set ablaze as he was the one to cut the flame circle with it. He had his techniques, Ashley's energy and even Mayu's wind around it, so the wall couldn't withstand his presence.