Ashley's Return

Chapter 130: Ashley's Return

Ashley's soul left Tetsuya's body, then assimilated with the unique stone platform. Her voice still could reach Tetsuya, so the game master's nervousness was put aside. Of course, this nervousness was about Ashley's safety.

For the whole process, Tetsuya was filled with so much anticipation that he ended up keeping nervousness within himself.

The first rune glowed, then another one flashed one by one. The resurrection turned into a festival even though the purpose of it was something really serious.

The silver spring rushed out of the ground, then its torrents wrapped around the platform. If those weren't crystal clear, Tetsuya would lose the track of all flashing runes.

However, the red liquid kicked in and it completely blocked Tetsuya's vision. Bountiful vitality surged out of the platform and much more colors crept onto the platform, blinding Tetsuya who couldn't withstand this much vitality and various energies.