The preparations for Monsters Upheaval

Chapter 133: The preparations for Monsters Upheaval

After the exhausting and long journey, Tetsuya had arrived in The Redemption City with his women. Because of those beautiful and tropical ladies that all differed from each other, Tetsuya was forced to enter his city from a secret pathway.

He didn't mind that.

Actually, Tetsuya was the one to offer that route.

His women, surprisingly, laughed simultaneously at him and left him behind as they entered the mansion reserved for the game master.

Tetsuya could only look at their backs and smile as they were indeed 'tropical' and unique ladies.


"So we are going for the monster plan already? Nice." Reyas' reaction was as such. She was honestly bored of all the stuff that had been happening in The Redemption City. It was more about preparations and so she was looking forward to the real deal.

The red-haired beauty had just recently snapped out of her stupor, though.