The Fourth Young Master

Chapter 137: The Fourth Young Master

The Lustful Demoness!

She arrived before Tetsuya and did her magic with an outstanding body. Her rune instantly drew out Dual Cultivation of Tetsuya and their bodies rhythmically slapped each other. They were in perfect contact!

Tetsuya howled, his sword letting out his yang qi! His white stuff filled the demoness, but her cold yin demon essence washed over his sword, then squeezed him for more.

In this contact, Tetsuya's mind spun with pleasure, information and disbelief.

Nonetheless, he managed to hold off well against this demoness and received praise from her, "Better than that fool, Henryk." She added, "A human with demon bloodline... You have achieved the pure demon bloodline from the contract... Soon, you will join our ranks. I want you to be mine."

"It's you who will be mine," Tetsuya whispered.