CH 13 the boy who tricked

Harry Potter and Sirius Black had been writing to each other continuously since Harry helped Sirius escape and go into hiding. But one thing both said was with the right plans, Harry could end up living with Sirius, as that is what both wanted. But what Harry wanted which surprised Sirius was to leave Hogwarts, and to do that it would mean leaving the country.

Sirius had arrived back in England and was hiding in his old family's home. Even though Sirius hated it there, as he hated his family, he knew with the ancient and dark wards the house was impenetrable. No one will find him.

During the holidays, Harry had explained to the Dursley's about his godfather, who was an escaped murderer. He told the Dursley's that his godfather would be keeping an eye on him to make sure he was happy. He also told them that he only planned to stay for two weeks until Sirius got them a new home. From that moment on, the three Dursley's left Harry alone. So during those two weeks he only wrote to Sirius twice since he knew it would be easier to talk to Sirius face to face.

When it was time for Harry to leave, he had snuck out of the house, using his invisibility cloak, found Sirius hiding as Padfoot. He snuck his godfather back to the house so Sirius could help Harry with his trunk. Once they were away from the house Sirius shrunk the trunk then Harry put it in his pocket. Sirius told Hedwig where to go, then he took his godson's arm, turned on the spot and disappeared.

Sirius warned Harry to be quiet until they got to the kitchen, so they moved as quietly as they could through the dark and gloomy house.

Sirius got them both a cup of tea before he sat down, 'So you want to leave?'

'I wrote about what has been going on at Hogwarts my first two years. I act all naive but I know something is going on and I'm being set up. I'm not sure if I'm being set up to die or if they might be tests. I could have died three times in my first year all due to Voldemort. If the staff cared about the students then one of them would have stopped Quirrell when he tried to make me fall from my broom. It took Hermione to stop that. Also, the Philosophers stone was hidden at the castle which would attract any dark wizard. Why were the three of us able to work it out when no one else could? That door that separated us from Fluffy was opened by a first year spell. But the enchantments set by powerful adult witches and wizards, yet three first years were able to get through them.

'Keep going,' Sirius was beginning to understand why his godson wanted to leave Hogwarts.

'I know the stone was a set up, it was too easy to work out. It has to be Dumbledore that it setting all this up, I just can't work out why or what he's up to. Now you were there over the last year. You saw how the dementors seemed fixated on me yet none of the staff did anything to prevent them coming onto the grounds. I know I'm being set up, I just don't know why. I don't want to take the chance that if someone wants me dead that they will succeed. I found out I can continue my education in another school, I just have to hide my identity. Then you have to remember what I wrote to you about the Dursley's and how I'm treated. Someone has stopped anyone official doing an investigation. Again I think Dumbledore's behind all this.'

'I was shocked to read what you wrote. At first I thought you must have kept it quiet from Dumbledore and McGonagall. They would never allow a student to be put in danger when I was at Hogwarts. Then you have Snape, for one he should not be allowed to teach since he was a death eater. It doesn't matter that he turned spy. He still did some horrific things as a death eater. There would be his victim's children or victim's families at Hogwarts and he's allowed to bully them. After your letters I got a lot of back issues of the Daily Prophet, it seems those things you were involved in were hushed up. Alright, if you want to leave then we work on a way for you to do that but we do more. We find a way for you to disappear which will not have people searching for you. You are the-boy-who-lived. They would not want you leaving this country and will prevent it if they found out.'

Harry sighed, 'The moment I don't turn up they will put everyone on it to find me.'

'We've got time to work on plans. You start at Hogwarts that way no one will get suspicious. But I'll give you your dad's mirror so you can contact me every night. If your friends ask about me, just say you write and I write back. But make sure you let it be known that I'm overseas but I never mentioned where, and I don't plan to return. Now if there is anything you feel is wrong or something happens then we'll work on meeting up in secret to talk about what we can do.'

'We have to find a way for me to disappear. I know I can sneak out of Hogwarts and meet up with on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. It's just trying to have time where we can disappear without anyone finding us too soon, and you can't be found at all.'

'Leaving the country will be easy. Me and your dad faked muggle documents all the time. It's how we got alcohol. Muggles wouldn't recognise us so it's easier to buy alcohol in the muggle world. I just need to see what passports look like now, along with other documents. I can do that over the next few weeks. Using Padfoot allows me to go unnoticed amongst the muggles. No one that knows me would believe I would use muggle transport so they will be looking at magical means to disappear, not muggle so it will give us time.'

'Okay, so we need that time so you can find out what we will need. Now what about my vaults? How will I get to Gringotts without anyone knowing?'

'You don't need to. You can send your owl with a letter and you're key. It's how I got the money for your Firebolt.'

'Okay, that's easy. But will they send me all of it and where would I put it?'

'You don't need all of it Harry. There are Gringotts in every country and always in the magical shopping district. All you will need to do is go in there, produce your key and ask them to transfer the contents to that branch. They'll charge you for that, but it's not too much. You know goblins will not give out information on their clients so even if Dumbledore or Fudge was to question them, they will stay silent. You should have learned all this in your first year, but it sounds like they cancelled the lessons for muggleborns and muggle raised. That's also pissed me off, you should not have gone to the Dursley's. Your parent's named dozens of people to take you if you survived. I know half are dead, but the others aren't, like me.'

'Alright, so I just have to get through a few weeks at Hogwarts. I might spend most of my time in the library and try to stay away from everyone and just stick to the Gryffindor common room or library, apart from when I eat. I can tell Ron or whoever asks that I figured it was time to take my education seriously. That's another thing that I think is set up, I didn't want to believe it, but it makes sense.'

'Tell me.'

'Ron and how we met. He's a good friend but I know it was set up. First, Hagrid never told me how to get onto platform nine and three quarters. Second, I heard Molly Weasley talking loudly about muggles, then she asked what the platform number was. She went to Hogwarts, all her kids went to Hogwarts and there is only one platform where the Hogwarts express leaves from.'

'That does sound suspicious, Molly Weasley would know it was nine and three quarters. But she could have used the floo straight onto the platform. You have to remember that people like Lucius Malfoy would never dress as a muggle and walk amongst them just to get his son to the train. There is a room with a floo just on the other side of the bathrooms. All magical families take the floo. Adults can apparate there but kids can't so the floo is the easiest way. I only ever went on the muggle side after your dad began dating your mum. But onto what else you said. What do you mean Hagrid never told you?'

'He came to take me shopping. The Dursley's kept destroying my letters, then they decided to run and hide. Hagrid found us, gave me my letter and told me I was a wizard. He took me shopping the following day, but he sort of rushed me about. He had to get the Philosopher's stone from Gringotts and he was nervous so he wanted to leave as quickly as possible. I never told anyone but I never returned to the Dursley's, I got a room at the Leaky Cauldron for the last month. I just heard about magic and how I'm thought of that I wanted to get some more books. Also, Hagrid gave Dudley a pig's tail. I knew Vernon would take that out on me the moment I returned.'

'All muggleborns or raised like you should have been visited by the deputy head, meaning McGonagall. She has to explain to the muggle parent's about magic, then she takes an hour or so to answer questions. With you, alright, maybe they believed you knew and something was happening to your letters. There could have been a lot of muggleborns McGonagall had to visit so Hagrid was sent believing you had all the information. So that could be innocent. But going on what you have told me I don't believe any of it is innocent.'

'I'm sure it's not. The Weasley's went through the muggle side but the following year when I was staying there we had to go to Diagon alley and they used the floo. That's what got me suspicious of them. Now you mentioned before about classes for muggleborns or muggle raised. I don't believe they were cancelled, just kept hidden so I wouldn't know. It took me a while but I realised Hermione, Lavender and Dean used to disappear at the same time, every Saturday night. Hermione would say she was going to the library, I have no idea what Dean would say if I asked him or Lavender. When I found out they were together and not in the library I realised they were keeping something from me. The following year Colin Creevy would disappear every Saturday night. So many things just seem to be kept from me, or they were set up or manipulated. Even which house I ended up in.'

'We'll get back to that about Hermione, the girl and this Dean boy. About which house you would be sorted into, James and Lily were both in Gryffindor so it makes sense you would be.'

'Okay,' Harry ran his fingers through his hair. 'When Hagrid took me shopping he talked to me about how I'm thought of, about Voldemort and he mentioned Dumbledore a lot. Kept saying how great he was. Now when I was in Madam Malkins, Draco Malfoy was in there being measured up for robes. After listening to him for a few minutes I knew what he was like and wanted nothing to do with him. He said he will be in Slytherin. I asked Hagrid what Slytherin was. So he goes on about the four houses, but mentioned that anyone dark came from Slytherin and Dumbledore was in Gryffindor. When I got onto the train and Ron found me, he went on about Gryffindor a lot and how all Slytherin's were evil. When I put the sorting hat on, it kept saying I would do well in Slytherin and Slytherin would help me on the way to greatness. I kept saying not Slytherin, not Slytherin, but I thought Gryffindor, mainly because I heard it was supposed to be the best house and Dumbledore himself was in Gryffindor. I didn't know my parents were in Gryffindor, I didn't know anything about this world and Ron was friendly towards me. The Dursley's made sure I never had a friend before. So in a way I was brainwashed into believing Gryffindor was best and Slytherin was evil. It was manipulation, again.'

'Alright, I can see that even though I am shocked the hat thought you would suit Slytherin. I know you said you're a parselmouth, but as I mentioned in one of my letters, there has been parselmouth's in my family, they just kept it quiet since it's known as being a dark gift. Now your great grandmother was born a Black, so you do have Black blood. And yes, most Blacks go into Slytherin, there was only a few that didn't, like me.'

'So the hat sense Black blood and thought I should be in Slytherin. I thought it might have realised I was a parselmouth.'

'It could be, no one knows exactly how the sorting hat works. Alright, over the next few weeks I want you to go into details about your experiences at Hogwarts. I think you're right, something more is going on. If they still had those classes for people like Hermione then someone made sure you wouldn't be there which means you wouldn't know about a lot of things, like Gringotts and how you can get money without going into the bank. You wouldn't have been told about the Night bus or St Mungo's. Then there's McGonagall and how she visits all muggleborns or muggle raised. So I'll listen and maybe having someone outside of Hogwarts now and hearing the facts I might find some clue or pattern.'

'I can do that. But I have to do it before Ron owls me about the quidditch world cup. He said he's dad is getting tickets and I'll be invited. I wouldn't care if could leave now. But if we're going to wait then it would be suspicious if I didn't go.'

'I have time, so I'll make some polyjuice and be there just to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing suspicious happens. I'll do a Mad-eye Moody and use a flask. Most will believe it holds Firewhiskey so it won't be suspicious.'

'I'll feel better if you're there. I just wish I could stay with you but I know I can't.'

'So we can still write to each other, tell Ron and Hermione that you met this friend who is squib. They know about me, so if you were writing to me, they would expect you to tell them. I'm only saying to keep them in the dark in case they are involved. I don't believe they are, they have just been told to keep certain information from you. But they might say something in front of the wrong person.'

'I don't trust Hermione, not after those secret classes and how she went behind my back about the Firebolt. If that had been any other student no one would bat an eye. But I lost it for weeks and didn't think I was going to get it back. I was ready to quit the team if they didn't give it back, I mumbled that a few times to make sure people heard me. I know McGonagall would do anything to make sure I stayed on the team. I think that's why it was finally given back, they knew if it went on much longer I would refuse to play.'

'Clever and cunning. Maybe you do suit Slytherin,' Sirius smirked making Harry glare.

Harry did enjoy his time at the quidditch world cup, until the death eaters turned up. Harry made sure to get separated then followed Sirius. The two of them stood under Harry's invisibility cloak and sent reducto's at the death eaters. Three ended up with their hands blasted off, another lost his foot but all three had their wands destroyed. The aurors were able to stun them before they disappeared like the others. Sirius told Harry they needed to talk, so to meet him the following night. They organised to meet in the Weasley's orchard around eleven, but Sirius knew Harry might have trouble sneaking out, so he would wait until one in the morning and just hope they could find a way to meet.

Harry found it too easy to sneak out of the Burrow the moment all the Weasley's were asleep. He got some food and drink for Sirius before he snuck down to the orchard to see Padfoot lying down under one of the trees.

'What's going on?' Harry whispered.

'A lot. As you know I've been writing to Remus, I innocently ask him things, from what happened years ago to what's going on now. I knew he wouldn't get suspicious, he would just believe I was trying to learn about all the stuff that happened while I was in Azkaban. Well, he mentioned that an event was going to be held at Hogwarts this year. The triwizard tournament. I decided to use my muggle disguise to sneak into the department of magical games and sports to get the information about this. Hogwarts will be hosting it with Durmstrange and Beauxbatons bringing a selection of students. There is going to be an age limit, you have to be seventeen to enter. The goblet of fire will select the three champions, and they will compete in three tasks, three dangerous tasks. Now the files also mentioned that Dumbledore was going to do something to make sure no one under seventeen could enter.'

'I don't trust Dumbledore or anyone else at Hogwarts. If he has plans for me then maybe he will enter me in this tournament. Also, if me, a fourteen year old gets selected half the students will believe I entered. It won't matter what I say, just like when they found out I was a parselmouth. Everyone turned on me. Can't I leave now?'

'I wish you could, but we wouldn't get far before we were found. Plus I still need to get all the documents so no one will think anything of a father and son going overseas on holidays. But I had an idea that might help, I just don't know if it will stop you being entered by someone. The Marauders had ways to get out of working or detentions. We could brew a potion that would give us symptoms of the flu. If you want I can make it, then you take it two days before the champions are selected. You will be isolated in the hospital wing for five days. Normally we were able to make a remarkably quick recovery after three days. It would give us time to work on our pranks without having half of the students in Gryffindor finding out. Now Madam Pomfrey will believe it's the wizard flu but you could easily reminder her that you live in the muggle world so it would be easy for her to believe it was the muggle flu and not the wizard flu and that's how you recovered quickly. You just don't tell her that until after the champions are selected.'

'I can do that. Since I'm going to be staying away from everyone, I might stay for the five or six days. But I might still get entered even if I was sick in the hospital.'

'You might but everyone will know you didn't enter, so no one will turn on you. It will give me time to find out exactly what the tasks are and if we can use it to disappear. But it will also give me time to get the rest of our escape plans finished along with all the documents we need that will be in fake names. We have to pick those. Now because I'm thought of as a fugitive I have to be careful so using polyjuice potion in the magical world as often as I can but I have to be careful not to forget to drink the stuff. I need time or they will find us too easily.'

'Okay, I get what you mean, and you do need to get everything done first. But I also get what you mean about the tournament. One of these tasks might be in a place where I am out of sight of everyone even for a few minutes. We still have to make it look like something happened, not that I left.'

'I won't know more until I find out about the tasks. Now you said Percy Weasley works for the ministry.'

'Right, he's obsessed with Crouch and rules. But Bagman almost mentioned the tournament but Crouch stopped him. Percy knew about it, but I think Mr. Weasley knows.'

'Then I might borrow your cloak for a couple of days and do some spying. If I don't hear anything useful I will again head to the ministry.'

'Then keep the cloak, just in case. They will have you kissed the moment you're seen.'

'Alright, even though I'll look like someone else, I'll use the cloak as well. Thanks for the food. Now you best get in just in case Molly decides to check on you.'

'I'll just say I had a nightmare and needed to tire myself out before trying to go back to sleep.'

Harry handed Sirius the cloak, they hugged before Sirius watched his godson head back to the house. Sirius took the bag Harry had left for him, slipped the cloak on then disappeared back to his family's home. He went out occasionally into the muggle world, but he had to be careful. The muggles had been told he was an escaped murderer. The few times he had snuck out to get information or work on their plans, he would get some food, but it was never a lot so he had to take it easy on how much he ate in case he couldn't get out for a while.

Harry didn't see or hear from Sirius over the next few days, but he also made sure to check to Daily Prophet every day to make sure his godfather hadn't been captured. Mr Weasley always got the Daily Prophet so when Mrs Weasley was busy, Harry would read it just to see if his godfather was mentioned. Mrs Weasley did not think kids should read the newspaper. She forgets they were teenagers and Harry liked to read what was going on.

Ron, the twins, Harry, Charlie and Ginny were throwing the quaffle around down at the orchard. As Harry scored a goal he took off high and did a few fast laps to celebrate. He spotted some paper stuck to the same tree that Padfoot had been under the night Harry snuck out to meet him. Harry made it looked like he was just swerving around the different trees before he reached out to snag the paper. He stuck it in his pocket before diving towards all the read heads.

Harry waited until he was in the bathroom before he was able to look at the paper. He had no idea if it was from Sirius or if it was just some paper that got stuck on a tree but he had to check to find out one way or another. He instantly noticed the paw print, so he quickly unfolded the letter to read.

Harry paled when he read the first part, but when he read the next bit, he felt relieved. If for any reason he was entered into the tournament, Harry now had the perfect way to disappear. Sirius had worked everything out and even though Harry was nervous, he knew he could pull this off.

Harry, Ron and Hermione found an empty compartment on the Hogwarts express. Neville, Dean and Seamus joined them. They all ended up talking about the quidditch world cup, except Hermione who opened a book and began to read.

'When we were walking along the platform I heard a few things. Has anyone heard of the triwizard tournament?' Harry asked innocently.

The boys shook their heads but Hermione lifted her head, 'It was cancelled a long time ago due to the rising death toll.'

'But what is it?' Ron asked.

'It's a competition between the three biggest schools in Europe. They compete in three tasks, dangerous tasks. Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are the three schools who compete. Why do you want to know Harry?'

'I heard it was being held at Hogwarts this year, but I didn't know what it was.

'That's what Percy, Bill and Charlie were going on about,' Ron said.

'But the last time it was held all three competitors died. Surely they wouldn't risk it,' Hermione said.

'It seems they've decided to bring it back. So are any of you going to enter?' Dean asked.

'I'm not, I've had enough danger, I don't need to go looking for it,' Harry said.

'But it could be great Harry. I'm sure there must be a prize of some type,' Ron said.

'Then you enter, I'm staying right away from it.'

Apart from Harry, the others kept talking about the triwizard tournament. Harry hoped the others would believe he wouldn't enter, in case someone did enter him. Even though Harry and Sirius were sure Harry would be entered, they were planning for the worst and hoping for the best.

Right after everyone had finished eating, Dumbledore announced the tournament. When he mentioned the age, half the older students kept yelling in protest, even Ron said it was unfair. When Harry found out that the names would be drawn on Halloween, he knew somehow he would be entered. He just couldn't go past Halloween without anything bad happening. He had the potion Sirius made for him and he would be ready to make it seem he was sick so no one would believe he entered. If he didn't get entered, then Harry was ready to go with Sirius's other plan to disappear and that way no one would believe he just left. Harry didn't care how it made people feel when he was gone, he had enough of how he had been treated and the danger.

Two days before the champions were due to be selected, Harry told Hedwig to come see him late that night in the hospital, he made sure he had the letter to Sirius, or snuffles in his pocket before he drank the potion. Sirius said it would work quickly, and it was. Harry could feel his skin heating up like he had a fever. His body began to ache but it was nowhere near as painful as it would be if Harry had the real flu. His eyes were bloodshot, his nose blocked and he was coughing. Even if he wasn't keen on coughing and having a blocked nose, he knew this would work. Sirius said the symptoms would disappear in a few hours, enough time for Pomfrey to determine Harry had the flu. Harry just had to fake coughing and sneezing. His body would remain hot like he had a fever, that was something Sirius and James worked on as they knew the matron would continuously check on them. Now Harry was hot, he just had to make sure he acted like he felt like shit, and for Hermione to see him. He sat on the sofa in the common room, slouched and was ready to act like he was sick.

Some of the Gryffindor's didn't even look at Harry, but when Hermione came down she instantly started to fuss, including feeling his forehead.

'I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey, you're burning up.'

'I feel terrible,' Harry groaned loudly.

'Ron, help me with Harry.'


'He's sick, he needs to go to the hospital, but I doubt he will make it without help.'

'We'll both take him,' Neville said and moved towards Harry.

Ron and Neville helped Harry to his feat then kept their arms around him as they slowly left Gryffindor tower. Hermione said she would go ahead to inform Madam Pomfrey.

By the time the three boys got into the hospital, the matron, Hermione and McGonagall were standing next to the same bed Harry always finds himself in sometime during the year. Ron and Neville helped him onto the bed, then a screen was pulled around the bed.

McGonagall, Hermione, Ron and Neville stood outside the screen waiting to find out what was wrong with Harry. It didn't take long before the screen was moved and they saw Harry in pyjamas and in bed.

'He has the flu, he will be here for a while. He also told me he was never vaccinated in the muggle world or the magical world so I doubt he will be well before its run its course. You three will have to watch for any symptoms, but the rest of the students will have to be informed in case someone ends up with the flu.'

'I will inform the headmaster. The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving tonight. The last thing we need is for any more students to fall ill.'

Minerva left, but Hermione, Ron and Neville stayed, just not too close, 'Even though I feel terrible, Madam Pomfrey said I'll start to feel better in a couple of days, but I'll still be contagious. Could you bring my books and stuff tomorrow morning? You don't have to get close just leave my bag near the cupboard. I don't want to fall too far behind even if all I can do is read.'

Hermione turned to the matron, 'Yes, he can have his books, but he won't be able to do any magic.'

'I'll bring them and make sure the notes from our classes are with them so you can read up on what we're doing.'

'Thanks,' Harry groaned again them he began to cough. Madam Pomfrey gave him some water before making sure he was covered and comfortable. Ron, Neville and Hermione left, they didn't want to take the chance of getting the flu.

When the castle was quiet and everyone apart from a few were asleep, Hedwig flew into the hospital wing.

'You are wonderful girl,' Harry quickly got the note from his robes which was in the small cupboard beside his bed, 'Take that to Sirius then you can go hunt.'

Once his faithful owl was gone, Harry turned over and got himself comfortable. Even though he was now feeling fine, he knew he would be bored, but he knew this would help in case he ended up being selected.

The following day, Harry got many visitors but they stayed back so they wouldn't end up catching the flu. Harry had seen Snape with a large tray of potions go into Pomfrey's office and realise he must have been told to make the flu potions as there was bound to be others that would end up in the hospital. What Harry liked was that Snape looked tired, which meant he had been working through the night or late last night and again that morning. He would have to remember to tell Sirius.

When Harry knew it was dinner time and the champions were going to be selected after dinner, he opened a book but lay on his side like he was weak. When he heard footsteps, Harry closed his eyes as if he fell asleep reading.

Harry could hear whispers, Ron, Hermione, Neville was there, but Harry was sure there were two others talking but they were further back so he couldn't hear them or tell who they were.

He groaned a few times, blinked, as if he was waking, 'What?' he croaked then felt a glass near his lips, so he took a sip, 'Thanks.' Harry made it look like he was struggling to sit up, but after a minute he was able to struggle until he was sitting. At least that's' what everyone believed, 'What time is it?'

'Seven, we came straight up after the champions were selected,' Hermione said then she glanced at the two boys.

'Was Angelina one of them?' Harry asked trying to sound sick but hopeful.

'No, Cedric was selected as the Hogwarts champion,' Neville said.

'Fleur Delacour was selected for Beauxbatons,' Hermione said.

'Krum was selected for Durmstrang.'

'Okay, well, Cedric's a good bloke, he'll do well.'

'Mr. Potter, how are you feeling?' Albus asked.

Harry slowly turned his head, 'To be honest Professor, not good. I have no energy and everything aches.'

'Yes, but I'm sure you will begin to feel better soon. Now we are here to inform you of a situation that occurred during the champion selection.'

'They told me it's Cedric, Krum and Delacour.'

'Yes, they were the first three names selected. I am not sure how this happened Mr Potter, but your name came out of the goblet of fire. Even though everyone, including the committee and judges know you did not enter, there is a problem. The selection by the goblet of fire is magical binding, which means you will have to compete even if you did not enter.'

'But how can it be binding if I didn't put my name in the goblet?'

'The goblet recognised you as the fourth champion. I examined the parchment that had your name on it. I found it to be your writing and it came from one of your class assignments. The parchment was singed by the goblet of fire but I could see your name clearly which is how it's supposed to work. The goblet cannot tell who placed the parchment in it, only the name and the school you represent. Since Cedric was selected first, for Hogwarts, we realised it would not be fair if you also represented Hogwarts. This problem was taking out of our hands when we saw the name of another school under your name.'

'What school?'

'The Salem academy of magic. It's an American school.'

'Um, okay,' Harry acted weak and confused, 'So I have to compete, but I'm three years younger than the others and wouldn't know spells that might be needed. What am I supposed to do?'

'Normally, the champion is not allowed help from their headmaster or staff. Since you are to compete for another school Professor McGonagall and I will be helping you learn some spells that might be useful. We cannot tell you what the tasks are though. I am sorry.'

Harry sighed as he nodded, then he let his eyes closed as if he was falling asleep. He listened to Dumbledore talking to Ron, Neville and Hermione before he heard the footsteps leaving. Harry grinned. Now he just had to get through a few days of being bored and stuck in the hospital.

It was later that night when Harry remembered Dobby. He called the little elf and asked if he would work for him. After a lot of negotiating they worked out that Dobby would get one galleon a week and one day off a fortnight. Even though Dobby was not owned by Harry, he was now employed by Harry and it was like a magical oath to follow Harry's orders and never go against him. Harry told Dobby about Sirius and how he was really innocent and how they had gotten to know each other. Harry didn't tell Dobby his plans, in case Dobby did let slip something in front of a person or another house elf. He gave Dobby a job to do and said very soon he would have more work, but for now apart from the job of taking Sirius food every morning, he could keep helping at Hogwarts.

Harry stayed in the hospital for six days before Madam Pomfrey said he was fine to go. He ended up reading all his books and was at least six months ahead of what his class would be in reading their texts for each class.

'I was hoping you lot would still be here,' Harry quickly dished himself up some breakfast, 'I wasn't sure if you had left for classes yet.'

'You could have checked the map,' Ron whispered.

'I sent that to snuffles. I didn't want it being confiscated or destroyed. My dad helped make that and it's one of two things I own of his. I don't want to take the chance,' Harry turned to his female friend. He may not trust her but he knew she just had this thing about respecting authority figures so she couldn't help going to them with anything she things is wrong or suspicious, 'Your notes were great Hermione. Even though I couldn't practice the spells you lot learned, I was able to get the assignments done. I know McGonagall said I didn't need to do them, but being stuck in bed for days, it gave me something to do, so thanks Hermione.'

'You're welcome Harry. Have you heard anything more about the tournament?'

'I have to go see McGonagall after dinner, she's going to show me two spells every night that I might need. Since they know what the tasks are, then she must be showing me spells that will help. Did your research find out anything that will give you a clue?'

'Even if I'm not sure they will run it the same as before. The first task always involves a dangerous magical creature. From what was written, you don't have to fight it or anything like that. It seems the champions has to get passed it or get something it is protecting.'

'So if everything is based on how it used to go, I'll have to fight my way to it or passed it. Blimey, I better research what dangerous magical creatures there are.'

All that day Harry kept watch and listened to the other students. None of them made any sort of nasty comments about him being entered into the tournament. So Sirius's idea of being sick and in hospital worked. Now he just had to act normal until they put the second part of Sirius's plan in order. Harry didn't really send the map to Sirius, he had it on him just like he kept his invisibility cloak on him. He would make sure Ron found out that he sent the cloak to Sirius as well, so it wouldn't seem suspicious when he disappeared and it was missing. But Harry needed the map with him so when the time came, they would know where everyone was inside Hogwarts. What Harry didn't tell Ron was Sirius had duplicated the map using his old notes he found in his family's home. Harry needed to keep an eye on everyone at Hogwarts, but so did Sirius so he could get their victim at the same time. Neither felt guilty that they planned to have someone killed, but this person was supposed to have died in Azkaban. Sirius had told him what this man had done and who to, so Harry thought this bloke was getting what he deserved.

Every night Harry would spend a couple of hours with either McGonagall or Dumbledore. It was the first time since he started at Hogwarts that Snape hadn't given him detention. Harry figured Dumbledore told him that Harry wouldn't be able to attend any detentions when they had to work with Harry to prevent him being killed.

As the first task drew closer, Harry made sure he looked nervous. Two days before the first task, Hagrid had worked on a way to make sure Harry knew what it involved. Dragons. Even though Harry had known this, he acted scared and really nervous.

Harry had been able to sneak out of the castle and through the tunnel leading to the shrieking shake to meet his godfather.

After hugging, Harry handed over the map and the invisibility cloak, 'Are you sure you'll be okay?'

'Yes, you just have to do your part.'

'Right, pretend I have to go to the bathroom while you put him in place. Are you sure no one will pick up the fact it won't be me?'

'Yes, everyone will think you went quiet due to nerves. Now did you tell Ron about your Firebolt?'

'Yes, he saw me giving it to Hedwig and asked what I was doing. Even though he said we could have worked out to have some pick-up games, he seemed to understand that we might not get time so there was no use keeping it at Hogwarts this year. Are we going to pull this off Sirius?'

'Yes, you know what to do and you know where to be at the specific time. Remus believes I'm still overseas, but I'm writing to you to make sure you're okay. We know Remus told the old man that we're writing. Since you've been having these extra lessons with the two of them, they know you haven't had time to sneak out to see me. I'm sure they are keeping an eye out for a dog that resembles a grim. I might be safe from Dumbledore and McGonagall turning me in, but they would want to know if I turned up. No, Remus believes I left the country for good. I did write in one of my letters that I had my vault contents transferred to Switzerland.'

'Why Switzerland?'

'My family has a big house there and someone in the family would go there at least once a year. I've already worked on selling off the other properties, but I left that one because it will work into our plans. Now remember, as soon as you go into the tunnel behind the one eyed witch, use the mirror. I plan to get our victim first thing tomorrow morning. No one will be suspicious as they will just believe he's checking Karkaroff and the Durmstrang students. As soon as we close the connection get through to Honeydukes, stay close to the trapdoor and listen for a customer asking for three blocks of their largest chocolate. If there is a chance you will get spotted, I'll ask a question about sugar quills.'

'I remember. I'm nervous something will go wrong.'

'I know pup, but I've been working on these plans for nearly six weeks. I might not normally be a very serious person, but this time I wasn't going to stuff up. I want you safe and I want you away from here. Everything will go fine and we'll be on our way before the investigation will begin. Let's hope Dumbledore and old Crouch get into shit for this, or at least have their reputation tarnished, if not ruined. It's late, you better get back. Just remember, by this time tomorrow we will be out of this country and on the way to our new home.'

Sirius hugged Harry then watched as he left the shrieking shack. He sat down on the newly repaired bed and pulled out some food and drink from the basket Dobby had left him that morning. Harry had gotten a magical vow off Dobby that morning then finally told him what he was planning. He had to make sure Dobby knew that the Harry he was seeing wasn't the real Harry, that he would be fine. Dobby would be called once they had arrived at their new home, which probably wouldn't be until the following morning. Dobby supported the plan that Sirius and Harry had come up with so Harry could disappear. At first Harry hadn't been sure Dobby would agree with him, then he remembered how he came to meet Dobby in the first place. Dobby had heard all about the man that Harry and Sirius planned to use, so Dobby understood. He also wanted to help Harry.

The following morning Harry really put on like he was nervous. When it was time to sneak away, all he said was one word, bathroom then he just turned and hurried to one further away before Ron or Hermione would offer to wait with him. Harry knew they would believe he went to the nearest one, not one two floors up.

'Sirius, I'm in place.'

'Good, I've got him. He was easy to place under that curse. I would have thought he would have made sure he could resist since he's been away from Azkaban for years. Alright, time for the next step.'

Harry made his way through the tunnel to Honeydukes. He heard the words he needed to, then snuck past Sirius who looked like someone else. Harry just got into the shrieking shack as Sirius came up the stairs. Harry watched as Sirius forced polyjuice potion down Barty Crouch junior's throat. It was weird to watch the man turn into him. Sirius ordered him to change clothes, Harry had already left some of his stuff ready for Crouch to use. Once Crouch was change, Sirius did a quick transfiguration on a stick to make it look like Harry's wand. Sirius had already taken Crouch's wand. He gave him the last few orders, he had to stay silent, he had to keep drinking the potion before he changed back as they had no idea how long it would take before it was Harry's turn to face the dragon.

Sirius and Harry was going to be hiding behind the champion's tent under the invisibility cloak and disguised. They had their own polyjuice potion that would turn them into two people who would look like they were from Durmstrang, Sirius had even transfigured some old robes to match the Durmstrang robes. They had to make sure Crouch didn't end up fighting the imperius curse, but to follow their orders to keep drinking the potion. Sirius found out that Barty senior had used the imperius curse on his son but Barty was able to fight it off. Now Sirius had used it but he knew he was more powerful that Bartemius Crouch so he didn't think the death eater would fight it off. They mainly picked behind the tent to hide was to keep watch and recast the curse, if it was needed.

Harry and Sirius felt slightly relieved when only ten minutes after Crouch had taken another dose of polyjuice potion when it was his time, or Harry's time to face his dragon. This was the only part they couldn't control. Crouch had his orders so they hoped nothing went wrong. They wished they could leave right now, but they had to make sure the biggest part of their escape plan didn't fail.

Harry and Sirius were fidgety and kept shifting from foot to foot as they watched Barty. Then it happened, and neither of them cared that they just caused the death of the man. That man helped destroy Neville's parents. Barty Crouch junior had been eaten in one go by the huge Hungarian horntail but everyone believed it was Harry Potter, the boy who lived.

'Let's go,' Sirius said, then both of them hurried as fast as they could away from Hogwarts. They couldn't run when both were under the cloak, but they did walk really fast. They had to make sure the cloak didn't slip or show their feet. Sirius had disillusioned them, but they weren't going to count on it in case something went wrong or someone spotted them.

The moment they got some distance away from the town of Hogsmeade, Sirius took Harry's arm and disapparated. They still had the cloak covering them when they landed inside a cubicle inside a man's bathroom at Heathrow airport. Sirius had already been there to put a muggle repelling charm on the door so no muggle would want to use that particular toilet. They moved careful and quietly out of the cubicle. They checked to make sure no one was around before they pulled the cloak off.

'We did it, now we just have to wait until our flight is called.'

'And continue to drink the potion. We can't have our real looks on those cameras in case anyone is suspicious.'

'No one will be suspicious Harry, they believe you're dead. But when you explained about all the security at airports, I realised we would have to stay looking like others. Once we picked our looks and who we would be, it was easy to fake the documents.'

At Hogwarts there was pandemonium. Half the students were in tears or in shock. Some of the staff were also in shock. Harry Potter's friends had to be given potions and taken to the hospital wing. People were calling for an inquiry, but some were yelling that the committee for the triwizard tournament be sacked. Some even yelled the Dumbledore should be sacked, first for how Harry got entered when he was sick in the hospital and underage. Second was he didn't stop a student from being killed. But many were furious or upset that their hero, the boy who lived had been killed.

By the time Harry and Sirius had arrived in Australia, the triwizard tournament had been cancelled and howlers kept being delivered to the committee, the staff at Hogwarts and even the minister for magic.

Sirius had already bought a house so he apparated them both there. When the polyjuice potion finally wore off, Harry hugged his godfather.

'Dobby is going to stay for the week to keep listening and making sure he has a copy of every day's Daily Prophet. But we did it pup, we escaped and we have fake papers that will pass any muggle scrutiny. We have fake muggle papers that will also pass any magical scans. Everything worked perfectly.'

'We live and work as muggles even if we can continue to use our magic. And in a years' time I can officially enrol in magical school as Rhys Bolt. Are you sure using Bolt as our last names won't get anyone suspicious?'

'I'm positive. Bolt isn't associated with either of us and when people think of the boy who lived and his scar they think of lightning bolt, not bolt. In the muggle world people will think of nut and bolt and since you will be known as a new magical or muggleborn, no one will think any more of it. It's all fine Harry, you can relax, just like I can. We have a year before we make contact with the ministry for magic in this country. By then your scar will be gone and my looks slightly altered. You won't need glasses in the next few weeks, and both our hair will be a different colour. No one will recognise us, we're just a father and son who immigrated to Australia five years ago as that's what our muggle papers say. We're both safe and everyone back in England will believe Harry Potter is dead and Sirius Black disappeared not long after he escaped from Hogwarts. We did it Harry. It took a while but we disappeared in a way that will keep us safe and protected. It's time we both had the lives we deserve, and become a family that your parent's wanted if they died.'

Harry grinned then hugged his godfather again. He knew Sirius was right, everything went perfectly. It was time for them to have the lives they should have had for years. It was time for them to be family.

The magical world mourned its hero. People were blamed, people were sacked and some people changed. But all of them believed one thing, Harry Potter, the boy who lived was killed in a tragic accident that could have been prevented, that should have been prevented. From the moment the dragon had covered Harry with his huge mouth, no one ever saw the boy who lived again.

The end: