ch 81 too loud

It was Wednesday, Tony's favorite day of the week. Peter was in the lab, helping him with a new project. They were trying to figure out how to make the Spider-Suit bulletproof while maintaining the flexibility. After a few too many close calls, Tony was making sure that this project got done somehow. If he had to add nanotech, this suit was being made. Peter was grabbing the tools they would need while Tony did the very important task of deciding the music. Finding his favorite playlist, mostly full of Black Sabbath and Def Leppard, he queued it up and cranked the volume to about half of the possible volume (louder than normal, but he'd had a stressful day). He bobbed his head for a few minutes as it started, before he heard Peter from across the workshop.

"Hey, Mr. Stark? Could you turn that down a little please?"

Tony considered a moment.

"Don't be a fun hater." With that he cranked the volume all the way up. It was pretty loud, but he made sure when he uilt the sound system that it wasn't loud enough to cause permanent damage. Jamming out a little, he grabbed the blueprints and turned around to the work bench. "Come on Peter, let's get to it!" He yelled over the music.

He received no response. "Peter?" He turned over to the tool station and saw no one. Panicking a bit, he gave the room a quick once over before checking it again. This time he saw him, but instead of grabbing the tools or walking over to the bench, he was collapsed on the ground. "Peter!" He yelled, and ran over.

He gave him a quick once over. He was conscious, but his eyes were squeezed shut. That's when he noticed that his hands were over his ears. Realization dawned on him, and he quickly yelled "FRIDAY, music off!" As soon as the music stopped, Peter relaxed, and after a few moments his hands moved from his ears. He opened his eyes and Tony noticed the tears in them. "God, I'm sorry kid. I forgot and I just…" he trailed off when Peter looked up at him and he realized his ears were probably still recovering. He waited a few more moments, then just said, "I'm sorry.

Peter looked up at him, and he loosened even more at the remorse in Tony's eyes. "It's ok, I forget sometimes too. Can we just, work without music?" He asked softly. Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure kid."

A few hours and about three malfunctions later, the suit was done. It looked exactly like the last suit, but this time bits of vibranium and nanotech were infused thanks to the combined blueprints of the two and Shuri's input as well. The teenage girl had been helping them with their designs for a while now, and she and Peter had video chatted many times, Tony of course not understanding a thing they said unless they were talking about tech.

Perhaps he should invite the princess over, Tony thought. They could get a lot of new technology created, and they could surprise Peter with his friend he had never met in person.

He'd have to wait until he left the tower, though, to ensure it was a surprise. With that boy's hearing, you never knew.