Awaited Moment (Th*y F**k)


It's time. And they are both ready. They begin to slowly undress in front of another on the bed. Apphia's bra straps snap and Clive's belt buckle jingles. Their eyes move back and forth between the fabric sliding off of themselves and the other's progress. They want to keep going and do, but they don't want to be the first to fully unclothe. Finally, the last piece of apparel slips off. Their eyes collectively sparkle at the sight of each other's naked bodies. (*o*)

Clive is quite muscular and masculine. And Apphia, who again, thicc... :}

Apphia gazes upon Clive's massive erection. It is prominent and dominant. A firm mushroom tip with heat radiating through the shaft. With a good balance between length and width. The sight of Apphia passively covering herself up has certainly helped with its liveliness. Apphia takes a small gulp in. "T-That thing's going inside me? Can I even take it?" She nervously thinks to herself. She's never done this before so it is understandable that she would be a bit panicked. Apphia's quite intimidated now. They both sit on the bed, but Apphia sits in such a way that hides her privates from him.

"Um, I know this is cliché to say, but it's much bigger than I thought it would be." Apphia states through a nervous chuckle. She had imagined and hoped that it would be big. However, now that she's here she doesn't know how to handle it.

"Yes!" Clive triumphantly thinks to himself. "She thinks it's big! I have succeeded as a man!"

Things now go as they should.

Apphia positions herself on her back with her legs in the air. She hugs her legs together as her feet dangle above. Her pussy somewhat pokes through her thighs, but only partially. It looks much smaller and cuter than normal like this, than fully exposed.

Clive approaches her curvature cautiously and positions himself in front of her. He grabs the bottom of her thighs to spread her legs. However, he finds surprising appeal in this simple action. Her flesh squishes in his fingers. It's malleable. She has some meat to her. Girth! He feels up her butt cheeks to get a real good sense of her figure. Apphia takes a gulp in. She's watching his every move with intrigue.

"Did I ever tell you how fucking hot you are?" Clive says with lust on his tongue. He resumes his experimental squeezing. "I know I sound like a typical douchebag saying that, but it needs to be said."

"I-ah..." Apphia never perceived herself as sexy. It's a bit of a shock to hear him say that. A positive one. "T-That's why you're giving me a police pat down?" Apphia asks.

Clive grips her butt with a great deal of force. Her cheeks slosh around and ripple subtly. "Ohhhhh fuck yes." Clive can't help but say it. "And I'm not just saying that. You're so~" Clive exhales, satisfied. "Haaahhhaaahh."

His genuine words leave Apphia smitten. And confident in her future actions.

Clive continues figuratively drooling over her luscious mounds of thicc.

"Ok enough gawking at my butt!" Apphia demands. Even though she kind of likes this kind of attention. "Let's get a move on." Apphia looks off to the side and blushes.

"Alright fine." Clive reluctantly says.

Apphia removes her hands from around her legs. Clive pulls them apart, fully revealing her cave of wonders. A place reserved for him, waiting to be explored. Above that, lies her delta of desire. Almost like her body is pointing him where to go. He immediately regrets ever delaying this.

His large, upraised shaft lays hot and ready outside the entrance to her fresh fuckhole.

He begins treading forward. Clive is just about to penetrate her.

"Wait, be gentle to start." Apphia says suddenly. "I heard that it hurts on your first time."

"Where'd you hear that?" Clive inquires.

"..eeeuhhh, hentai...?" She responds with some reluctance. Admitting that to him shouldn't be particularly hard considering what they're about to do.

"Seems about right." Clive thinks to himself sarcastically.

All of Apphia's experience (lack thereof) and knowledge of sex comes from hentai and porn. So she is certainly prepared!

Both of them quietly comment to themselves the fact that they're trading virginities. Each one's body has remained pure for one another. Nobody else has had the privilege of either's body. They are reserved for one another. They will share in the murdering of the curse that is virginity. It will be banished simultaneously from their bodies!

"Well, here I go." Clive says, whilst looking at Apphia. This is a monumental moment for him. Doing it for the first time, and with Apphia... Mmmmmmm... There isn't any questioning his aspiration for this. This is something that he has wanted to do for a long time. And never thought he actually would.

Apphia prepares herself. She stares down at it with her tongue between her teeth, trying to prevent herself from salivating too much. Clive slowly presses his tip into her eagerly awaiting pussy. It is visibly wet. It shines slightly in the dimly lit room. He slips his way into her naturally lubricated entrance.

For Clive it is an indescribable sensation. It's as if Apphia was hugging him with her insides. If she was wearing a hot Jell-O coat.

The mere act of sliding along her welcoming vaginal walls is an antidote for anything unwell. However, when it is combined with the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction from the fact that he is with the woman he loves makes it a feeling capable of envy. It's a powerful concoction of emotion that is so potent that it radiates around the body, actively warming it with delight. Tepid shivers run through his body. And libido begins to take over his inhibitions. It swiftly murders any stomach butterflies and deflates any uncertainties. In this moment, for him, all that matters is the two of them.

For Apphia though...

"Mumumummm." Apphia tenses up, shutting her jaw with force. She winces slightly as Clive inches his way in till he's about halfway inside.

"H~ah!" Apphia exclaims as Clive inserts too fast for a moment. She clenches her fists. And closes her eyes while her eyelids tremble slightly.

"Was hentai right?" Clive asks if she's in pain.

Apphia opens one eye. Her eyelashes flutter elegantly. "Hentai is always right." She proclaims.

Clive snickers. He wasn't expecting that out of her. "Are you actually in pain though?" He asks with sincerity.

"A little bit." She replies solemnly. It clearly doesn't hurt enough to stop her one liners though. "Just do it gently." She commands like she's leading a one man army.

"As you wish." He says without delay. He'll be more than happy to follow this particular demand of hers.

He slides deeper. Apphia tenses and winces, but far less than last time. Clive pulls back and Apphia loosens up her muscles. Only for Clive to re-enter and her to tense up again.

Her tensing fades with time. He gently goes in and out as her pussy adapts to him. The pain dissipates with each entry and gets replaced by ever increasing... mMMMm... Pleasure~

Each thrust is a noticeably more one-sided ratio of pleasure over pain. Until the pain fully disappears and all she feels is delight. And desire for more. You can see it in her eyes. Dick is even better than she had imagined! Or is it just Clive? Or both? She doesn't know but is certain about the lack of quantity.

Her virginity will not be missed. She only wishes she could have thrown it to the curb side sooner. "Fuck you virginity, and fuck me harder!" That's what is going through her mind.

The aroma of sex picks up and is pleasantly received by her nostrils. The sounds of moisture and subtle smacking mixed with heavy breathing put her in the mood. All the while Apphia slowly becomes more and more infatuated by him. She bites her lower lip.

"Clive?" Apphia says.

"Uh huh?" Clive replies, focused on performance.

"Can I be on top?"

~ :} more to be discovered next chapter...