I think you know what's happening below

"You've been dominant with me so far. I think it's time I was dominant with you." Clive mischievously says.

"Huh?" Apphia mutters.

In an instant:

Clive grabs and pushes her over onto her back. She subconsciously lets him have his way with her. He swiftly inserts back into her and basks in her warmth. Apphia lifts up her neck and sticks out her tongue involuntarily in extreme satisfaction. Her breasts are prominently raised upward. It all happens so fast for her.

He thrusts hard and deep. At a constant, reasonable pace. Clive pins her hands down and digs his toes into the mattress to get the beat possible positioning. He drives into her without relent. Loud slapping fills the room. It's a shockwave to Apphia every time he collides with her.

"You like what I'm doing to you?" He speaks to her like the slut she is.

"Mmm, oh! I love it. I love youuuuuu!" Apphia cries out.

As Clive works away at her, a distinguishable feeling arises in his penis. There's a buildup and he can sense it.

"I'm going to~." Clive announces.

"Wait, before you cum in me. I have something to tell you." Apphia says.

Clive looks on with both anticipation and desperation because he's quickly approaching the point of no return. Apphia clears her throat, half because she's arranging her thoughts, and half because she's currently getting rammed.

"You have to have sex with me every night while I'm pregnant." Apphia dictates.

"Wha?" Clive instinctively objects to any demand of hers. "You're coming out with this now?!"

"Those are my stipulations. If you don't like em then you'll just have to pull out." Apphia stares into him without any doubt.

"I-I" Clive has underestimated Apphia's commitment to their relationship. He can tell she's being serious about her demands. However, he doesn't think that she would actually put a stop to all this if he refuses.

"Just think about it though." She happily states. Apphia tries her best to make complete sentences.

After experiencing being close with Clive, Apphia has realized the reason for her fetish.

Apphia continues. Conviction and emotion flows from her mouth. "Every night we can make love, kiss passionately, tease each other, do whatever we want to do. And when we've finally had enough. We can cuddle naked together. Until we fall asleep. Awaiting the moment we can do it again. Just me, you, and our baby."

Apphia realizes now that she has an impregnation fetish, not for any reasons of chance or desire to be risqué, but because she wants so desperately to spend her life with Clive. Just how much she wanted this was underestimated by her for the longest time. Not anymore.

Clive tries his best to avoid cumming whilst letting her talk. However, it's getting increasingly difficult.

Apphia struggles with executing her sentences. "We still won't be living to~gether, but you can sleep o-over. Our parents shouldn't m-mind that much considering what you've already d-done to me at that point. We don't have to tell them anyway. Other than that there's no risk to it. You could let me h-have it every night. Without any worries. Why NOT do it?"

Apphia puts on her serious voice for a moment. "So again, I demand that you accept or GTFO."

Clive thinks about it for a moment.

"Every day, huh?"

"Uh huh." Apphia moans out. She nods rapidly.

"Sorry to insult you, but how much of a whore are you?"

"First of all, we're having sex. Right now, calling me a whore is a good thing." Apphia unapologetically states. "Besides, I'm like low-key horny all the time. There's no way I'm going to refuse you."

Clive has reached his breaking point. He just wants to fuck his seed into the depths of her womb. And that is what he intends to do.

"Uhhhnnnnn. I accept, just fucking have my baby already!" He exclaims in arousal.

Clive begins pounding her incredibly fast.

"Ahhhhh!" Apphia is taken off guard. She begins moaning loudly and constantly. Each time maximum depth is reached she cannot hold it in. He's going too fast and it feels too good for her to be quiet. Her cunt is beyond stimulated. She can't even process the level of pleasure emanating from her crotch.

"I'm going to claim you as mine!" He shouts. In some sense, she will be his because she will be carrying his child. She will visibly be taken. A symbol of his claim!

"Ahh, Yeahhhh~!" Apphia moans out in pleasure. She loves how he's taking charge, even though she loved dominating him also. She wants him to mark her as his. Apphia forgets about trying to claim him and lets Clive have his way with her.

Inside of her, his dick is relentless in pursuing depth. His lengthy shaft kisses her cervix over and over again. The tip sticks to the surface and dreads the time it has to leave. Until it comes back harder than before. Every push is seemingly more impactful.

Apphia whimpers excitedly. "Daddy gimme your cummies!" What is otherwise a stupid thing to say is heavily erotic on the precipice of orgasm.

"Don't worry, you'll get them." Clive says whilst working away at her pussy.

"Yes! I wanna be a mommy!" She exclaims. The idea of motherhood is extremely attractive to Apphia. Especially with the heightened amount of hormones within her. She wants to have his baby. To be able to create something so adorable with Clive. To be the creator of a whole new life. It is heavily appealing to her.

Clive continues his constant speed. It is wearing away at Apphia's inhibitions. And making her almost desperate for a release. Apphia has all but submitted to his dick. What she aims for now is to cum at the same time as him. So she will have a higher chance of being impregnated.

Clive stares into her squinted eyes. He whispers to her erotically. "Are you ready to be bred like a good little bitch?"

"I aaaaam." She moans. Apphia begins squirming in expectation.

"Ready for your belly to grow big with my baby?"

Her eyes curl to the top of their sockets."Uhhnn, I am, I am!" She shouts, incredibly aroused. He's really playing to her fetish. He wants to make her orgasm like an earthquake. He wants to burn himself into her memory so she will never forget how much she craves his dick. She is completely enveloped by it. Nothing is going through her mind aside from her impregnation. She envisions every detail surrounding it.

Clive leans forward and lays down on top of her. His legs are now on top of hers as to penetrate every possible millimetre. He thrusts with his waist and with great passion. Apphia's body is warm and welcoming. It's soft and squishy, perfect for losing yourself into. And snuggling up against.

"Wrap your legs around me. Take it all in!" Clive demands.

"You d-don't have to tell me." Apphia struggles to say.

Apphia wraps her legs around Clive's back, administering a leg lock. And there isn't any way that she'll release it. There is no escape from the anticipated result. They have flawlessly executed the leg lock position. They are bonded thoroughly in place thanks to Apphia's entrapment. Any and all movements, small and otherwise inflict pulsing stimulation. Her feet press against his back, pulling him towards herself.

"Uhhhmmm, you feel me pulling you in. That's because I WANNIT!" Apphia says through her clenched teeth.

"I'm coming soon, prepare yourself." Clive informs Apphia of her fate.

Apphia is on the verge of cumming. She feels an orgasm creeping closer and closer into reality.

"Here it comes." Clive warns. His dick is practically pulsating with how close he is.

"No more teasing. Jus~ Just do it already! Impregnate me!" Apphia cannot wait any longer. She has been led on for too long. She has had this feeling built up to extraordinary levels. At this point it is no longer a want. It is a need. She needs to have his cum. She needs to be impregnated!

Do it to her.

She wants it.

She needs it!

Do it! Do it!

Cum inside her!

"Knock me up! Please! Do it already!" Apphia shouts submissively. She begs and pleads for him to do it to her. Regardless of what she says, it is coming anyway and right now.

"Ahhhhhh!" They scream out in unison.

She wraps her arms around Clive. Apphia immediately feels his cock twitch inside her. Followed by a warm sensation. She knows exactly what's happening.

"Yes! Keep cumming." She bellows with desperate determination. Her mannerisms break comprehension. The joy is overloading her. (As well as something else.) She has never, EVER had the divine privilege of experiencing anything like this!

Gushes of cum rush directly into her womb. She feels the warmth of his semen as it collects inside her. Her whole body is encompassed by overwhelming euphoria. So much so that her body shakes. Her hips quake in arousal and she curls her toes. Her feet are unyielding in trapping Clive in until he has no more to give. Her arms cling around his back. Her mouth hangs agape while she gratefully accepts his seed into her cunt.

Clive firmly holds her in place while he cums in her. She cannot escape his clutches even if she wanted to. What little of his shaft that is outside of her visibly jolts repeatedly, pumping goodness into her. Clive too, has gone blank in elation. He wants the outcome of this just as much as her and this proves it for him.

They can both sense the experience of the other. Almost like they are transferring and sharing their collective abundance in pleasure. The moment lasts an eternity as time seemingly slows down.


The positive consequences of receiving such a deep creampie arise within Apphia. She had orgasmed at the point of ejaculation. Causing the sperm within her to be transported deeper and faster. A large amount of sperm swims inside of Apphia's womb. They gather around a lone egg vying to be the one to enter. One sperm in particular successfully penetrates the outer layer and squirms it's way into the center. The egg welcomes the sperm to enter and they unite. Her egg has been fertilized.

She is now pregnant...