Third Keys Chapter 9: The Queen of Ice

They had arrived in Kryos finally and they had to reach the ice queen so they could get the knowledge they needed to find the other keys and the purpose behind Kryos.

"This place is beautiful," Chris said with shock.

"The ice queen is in the mountains."

"Yeah, Jeremy, I see it from here."

"Yeah, Chris, It is the largest mountain in Kryos."

There are three gates to reach the castle. The first gate is near the forest and the second gate is on the cliffside and finally, the last gate is in the cave entrance of the cave that leads to Kryos.

"We have to reach the forest. If we don't we get lost and the creatures get us for food. They are known as Kais."

Kais is a demon class monster that lurks in the dark forest of Kryos. They have tails that can shoot quills and armored plates on their back for protection. Their weak spot is underneath their bellies.

Chirs was nervous but he had been in situations like this before and he had more experience in this situation. They travel toward the forest but Vermeil heard something in the far distance. A roar of a raptor and a whale.



"What is that?"

It rises up and roars once again.

"That is a Kai."

"So what now?"


They ran into the forest and they split up Chris and Royal went into the dark forest. Jeremy and Vermeil went into the light forest. They have to get back on the path to the first gate. Chris and Royal were stuck in the dark forest and they couldn't get back to Jeremy and Vermeil.

"Hello. Jeremy, Vermeil!"

"Stop yelling, Royal."

"You're going to bring those things toward us. We are in the dark forest and the only way we are going to get back to them is to follow the night moon toward the east. The latitude and longitude are the opposite of our world."

"Okay, so how do we know we are going east?"

"It's simple."

"The moon is like the sun. It comes up from the east and sets in the west. Right now it is coming from the left. So we go away from the moon."

"Okay, so how are we going to get past the Kais. What we are going to do when they sense us."

"We just hid our sense."

"How are we going to do that?"

They went farther into the dark forest and got to a dead corpse. Chris decided to hide their sense by covering themselves with the dead corpse's senses.

"This smells like ass."

"Stop complaining."


"But nothing we need to survive in Kryos and the only way to do that is taking everything from what we learn in Third Keys and taking it in this world."

"Yeah, that does explain why our gear and abilities are the same."

"That also goes for Jeremy and Vermeil."

"I'm glad."

"Why did you say that Royal?"

"Because they are my friends and Jeremy believes in us."

"Yeah, he is a nice guy. He makes me own up to my mistakes."

"Yeah, you did try to kill us in Wonderland."

"That wasn't my choice."

"But you made that choice. Didn't you Chris."

"Yeah, I did and I apologize for that Royal."

"I forgive you but I don't forget."

"I know."

In the light forest. Jeremy and Vermeil were heading toward the first gate until an ice magic user attacked them.

Jeremy dodged the attack and the Ice user then attacked Vermeil and tackled him on the winter snow ground where Vermeil touched something that was soft.

"What's touching there jackass!?" The ice user aggressively said to Vermeil.

"I'm sorry." Vermeil begging on his knees for forgiveness.

"What is your name?"

"What is yours?"

"My name is Jeremy and this is Vermeil, the jackass."

"Well, I'm Frost Moon."

"Nice to meet you, Frost."

"What are you doing here?"

"We came to get knowledge from the queen."

"People always say that and then they use the queen's knowledge for war."

"I'm sorry for our behavior and the damage we cause but I will not use the queen's knowledge for war. I want to use it for peace and not bring harm to no one. I'm just a boy that is foolish and never deserves such knowledge but I will not use the queen as other people do."

"That's what they all say."

"Then we will show you by our actions."

Jeremy was being truthful and Frost decided to take them to their camp.

"We are going to the edge of the mountain."

"But we got to go to the gate."

"Yeah you will but the Kais will kill you before you get there tho. So come back to our camp."


They were following Frost and Vermeil asking about the Kais.

"What do you know about Kais?"

"That's what our outsiders call them but we call them Splitter."


"Yes, they kill them to protect us."

"Who are they?"

"The Knights of The Full Moon."

"But how do they kill them?"

"They have abilities that can control the weather and the world latitude and longitude. There are only six in the world from every region. There are the half-moon and the lotus moon that live east from here and then the full moon and the Blue moon live west from here."

"What about the north and south?"

"The north and south regions are the strongest and the queen rules over them but the other pale in comparison to them. The rumor that I heard about them is that they can destroy a planet in a week. The first and second rank knights stay in the north region and they are called the Aqua moon and the south is called Dawn."

"So the queen is in the middle of the six regions, right."

"Yes, that right."

They had made it to Frost's camp and they meant the head chief. His name is Ben Lemillion Stark. They discuss the forest.

"The forest is a mystery. It holds a unique liquid in the flowers that can cure anything in the universe but when you take it. It can affect the creatures in this world and without the creature, our ecosystem will decrease and that will kill our other resources."

"Chief Stark, how does that work?"

"What do you suggest?"

"I suggest we can use that to create medicines that can cure our disease but if you don't want to, I understand sir."

"You seem different than any other outsiders we meant so far. So why do you need our resources?"

"To save our people but I also don't want to kill any of our people for our greediness."

"Come in my young men into the tent close to the fire and let me show you a memory."

"A memory?"

"Yes, Jeremy. When it comes to people they always fight for revenge and use violence against violence when both suffer from that conflict."

"Yes, I agree."

"Good, my boy."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet Jeremy. Your friends might be in trouble by going north of the forest because the north doesn't take kindly to outsiders."

The fire turns blue and shows Jeremy and Vermeil their friends.

"How did you do that Chief Stark?" Vermeil asks.

"We communicate by using magic birds that we can see through their vision."

"That's amazing."

Chris and Royal were getting chased after by the splitter and while this was happening Jeremy and Vermeil had to trust they would make it out alive. Vermeil went for a walk until he came across a hot spring and he saw Frost taking a dip in it. Vermeil looks at Frost's body while the beauty of her body is wonderful and Vermeil gets focused on her.

His body began to ache and feel excited to see a woman's body. Her beautiful blue hair and her eyes are like a full moon. Her body is curved and the lust that Vermeil is getting him to wander into his own ideas.

Frost noticed him and threw an ice spear at him but it hit the tree beside him and Vermeil feared what she was about to do.

"You JACKASS!! I knew you outsiders are all the same. You always want something from people don't you JACKASS!!"

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you were in the hot spring. I was just walking and I showed you and I got curious. I don't want to think that way about you but when I see a pretty girl my mind starts to wonder. I had never seen a girl before so I just admired your body. So I'm sorry I made you mad but don't think I like those people that take and steal from people."

"I don't believe you. So you better live first thing in the morning and get whatever is come for and go home. You people are not welcome and I won't tell anyone about this. So just keep quiet and leave."

Vermeil was angry at himself for making her hate him and then he remembered a young girl from his past that was so distant from people and hating the people in it for taking from her family. Vermeil remembered she talked to him.

"My name Vermeil, what is your name?"

"Why the hell do you want to know that? Do you want something? Like my body or my money. You guys are all the same."

"We are not all the same, so why do you put me on their level? When you don't even know me. You judge before you can even know a person. Are you afraid of being hurt by someone?"


"I know that you are lonely and can't trust anybody for what that person has done to you. So you tell me what I can do to help you feel better about yourself?"

She started to cry and told Vermeil, "What do you know? How can you help me?"

"Simply. Let's become friends and I'll show you what I can help you with."

"Okay. Well, let me tell you my name is Ryne Smith."

Vermeil and Ryne start talking and getting to know each other very well but the other guys didn't start to like the way Vermeil was the only one to talk to her. The guys called the queen of ice. No other guy could talk to her but Vermeil and that when Vermeil was invited to a party and he brought Ryne alone.

The guys had told Vermeil to go to the store to buy them some drinks but when he came back he has seen Ryne being rape by the guys from their school. Vermeil trust these guys his so-called friends had betrayed his trust and that night he fought seven people and the next day he fought thirty people that did horrible things to Ryne.

He crust ribs, scatter skulls with his bare fists and most of the guys had brain damage or broken ribs. It was supernatural and people thought he was a demon for hurting innocent people. So he spent five years in prison because he was only fifteen years old and when he got out of prison Ryne had been murder. She was rape and beating to death.

Vermeil cried for weeks and he felt like he couldn't do anything but false hope. He said he would protect her but he couldn't do that for her but when Ty Frost opened the gate to Kryos he forgot it but he had dreams about Ryne.

Vermeil wrote in his journal and he wrote, "Why is the world so cruel to the kind people and not to the evil people? They only use their eyes to see instead of what they know about the person."

In the present, Vermeil got back up and he told Frost that he will show her by his actions instead of his words because he doesn't want anybody to feel so hopeless again. Frost wants to believe him but she doesn't want to give her hopes up again for nothing.

Back at camp, Vermeil talks to Jeremy about what just happened.

"Vermeil, do you think people can be reincarnated into a different world?"

"I don't know Jeremy."

"Well, it's just a theory but what if this Frost girl might be a reincarnation of Ryne in this world."

"What? Can that really be Jeremy?"

"It might be just theory so don't get excited over a theory."


"Now go to sleep."

Jeremy was still worried about Chris and Royal and Jeremy hoped they were doing okay.

In the Chief tent, Frost was thinking about Vermeil and she remembered his kindness and she said, "What a dumbing?"

Back to Chris and Royal, they are injured and Chris passes out with Royal on his back and sees a man coming close to them with a blanket. The next morning Chris woke up and showed Royal was safe and he saw a nurse caring for his wound and Chris talked to the nurse.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the castle of the queen of Kryos."