Michael in the meantime was at the ground breaking ceremony of Reign Towers. The location was secured by Moore Presidential Security Unit, Moore Security Group. With that the press was gathered.
Michael got in one of the Backhoe's and dug a hole. With that we all applauded and he parked it. Then he came out of the Backhoe with his red Helmet on. He went to the platform and everyone cheered.
With that he said, "Today marks the beginning of a new era for the Moore family. Today we built Reign Towers. The three intertwined towers are designed like a plotted cable with bombs and a lot of Glass.
These 4 bombs are where the buildings meet. In addition to it the building will have 3 massive Helix Wind Mills. It will generate the 340 MW the building will require."
With that the Screens showed a 3D final view of the luscious buildings made into one. With that we applauded. Marie and Daemon soon arrived with security. Jasmine and Mike arrived in their blue track suits with Jasmine's name on them.
Michael then said, "So everyone is saying that we should have waited. A tragedy happened less than 4 hours ago with a few of the shareholders.
But sometimes in life we profit for others misfortunes and no matter how great the person was the world keeps moving. So I am pleased to announce that the 40% voting power of Reign Industrial Group, formally under Joseph's control, was acquired by me.
These are passed to my grandson, Daemon Reign. And one day he will rise to take this building as his office. Our legacy is for our children. I am working hard to build Moore Corporations to a top conglomerate for my five children and two grandchildren.
Because this is for them in a few years. So no matter what happens we are building Reign Towers here. 50 000! Americans are going to be here to help raise this 300 floor structure. We will build it.
With that 5 000 Washington citizens will get a job working here on this 5 acres when it's completed. So today marks the beginning of a new Renaissance Era!"
With that fireworks shot up and we applauded.