chapter 8 part 1

When life gives you lemons... you end up with a bastard named Lucas.

- Slade A. Jackson

   Life has a way of throwing you curved balls every time something good happens. After my night with Kerry, I felt a whole lot happier then I had felt just yesterday, yes I'll still be checking in on my problem with this vampire problem, but right now... nothing would bring me out of this change of emotions, or so I thought. Shouldn't have spoken so soon, when I had finished up getting ready for the day, I got a call from John, telling me to head over to the packs homebase, he told me it was urgent so I headed there, taking the Angel of death with me. When I arrived, John introduced me to the second in command, Chad was his name, but as I had remembered, not long ago Victor had been second in command.

Good to meet you Chad, but if you don't mind me asking. What happened to Victor?

   They both grew silent, then finally John spoke up

Actually... this is the reason I called you hear, Victor was killed. By one of the Proffessors experiments.

John... I told you long ago that working with the proffessor would be a mistake, yet you didn't listen, all you cared about was the fat check the professor was giving you to make sure nothing would happen to him, there was a good reason why the Sioux pack had denied his offer and made sure he didn't come back to south dakota.

   John grew agitated after the little burst of mine.

Slade, you of all people outside my pack know that I take my spot as alpha very seriously. The Professor's treasury has helped this pack through many hardships, like the time that pack of Rouges showed up.

John, we both know that's bullcrap, it was me and my pack that saved you from those Rouges, the professor and his men intervened with the job, the Sioux follows all rules, and one of the rules we follow... is that anyone on our hit list, dies, we don't take prisoners. The Professor took them and experimented on them, killing half of them in terrible ways.

   John stood there silent for a good amount of time, then the worst thing I've heard from his mouth was spoken

Reminder Slade, you're not apart the Sioux pack anymore, you yourself have become a Rogue.

   Never did I think he would speak to me like that... but I did the better thing and pushed it aside to get back to the problem in hand.

What is it you want me to do, kill the Doc? Or the patient that killed off Victor.

Neither, the professor called me in rage about an attack on his daughter... apparently our mutual friend Lucas went after her to get some info about a patient, the same patient that killed Victor.

Let me guess... Maya is the one who killed Victor

   John looked stunned when I spoke her name.

How did yo-

John you forgot who I am... I'm the Sioux packs weapon, nothing gets past me, the very first day Maya got into the docs hands, I knew of it. So I looked into any disappearances among the packs, California lost a powerful girl. And if you have forgotten, Lucas went to California. So it seems he crossed paths with with the girls family... and plans on getting her home.

... You have always impressed me Slade, you are definitely Logan's son.

   I froze at the mention of my father's name... I nor anyone who spoke to me ever thought of saying his name, just hearing John saying it clouded my eyes, and John noticed this.

I'm sorry Slade... your father was a true friend of mine, I had been there at his side when you came to the world... and he when Alena was introduced into the world, his passing hit the heart of many wolves across the nation, he did great work... keeping all around him safe.

John... let's get back to the matter at hand please, trips down memory lane don't help anyone...

Ok Slade... Well I want you to protect Lucas, he'll be wanting to get a hold of Maya like you said, I just want you there to make sure he does this without dieing...

   Unbelievable, I don't play bodyguard, never had... before I spoke up, John had some more to add.

But I don't want him knowing your there to keep him safe, I'm going to Let him go on this hunt with Alexandria, but I want you to go with them and make sure everything goes to plan... is that clear Slade.

Alexandria... the only wolf close to my age that can keep me working in a battle, she's a Lycan like me, but while I had been trained by the Sioux pack... she originated from the Alaskan pack, the strongest pack. If he needed to send her, then that means the docs men may put up a good fight... just how I like it.

Fine by me John, just have them meet up at the morretti parlour, you know... the one that makes that amazing pizza, I have something to do before going on this hunt.

Alright... I'll send them that way to meet up, be ready.

   I left John to prepare for the hunt, I was hoping to talk to Kerry before I left. While I was heading to the Angel of Death, I could hear the approach of an old beater, bike more like it.. when a motorcycle passes it's fifth year, you should more then likely pass it's keys over to the garbage man, this is why I stick to cars, they can last decades. After a good drive listening to Zombies by Bad Wolves... I parked in front of Conte morretti, I walked in and our dearest friend Maranda sat me in the back corner of the parlour... Kerry's section for the day. I sat down and looked at my phone, John had texted...

*Slade, Alexandria on way. Lucas close behind her, u better not let him get hurt.*

   I responded telling him to fix his grammar and I won't mess up, that I don't mess up.

What's that all About?

For the first time in years I jump startled by the voice of Kerry behind me, she's got a wolfs silence approach for sure, she'd be great on hunts if she was a wolf.

   Sorry Slade... didn't mean to scare you.

   Scare me?, nah you just startled me...

  Isn't that basically the same thing?

   Touche Kerry... Touche. The text though, it was nothing. Just and old family friend.

Your family knows John? That's Lena's father I believe.

   Hopefully looking at my phone is something she won't be doing often. She doesn't need to find out about the life I live.

   Yep you'd be correct, John had been my father's friend while growing up, so of course I knew his daughter.

   She got a look of jealousy on her face.

I've heard rumors about you and lena... did you use to date her?

   Got to love rumors...

   No, I grew up with the girl, we were close yes. But I never wanted a relationship with her, she's family to me. Nothing more...

   She looked happy with that answer, you always need to watch what you say around 'em, cause what's is said can get twisted.

   So are you here just to chat with me or for some good food.

   Well I could come here everyday if your here... but I actually have some business to deal sadly... speaking of which, here's one of them now.

   Alexandria walked in looked my way and nodded, I gave her a nod back and she went and sat near the window... waiting for the arrival of Lucas.

   You Business with Alexandria? Why...

   Jeez you know everyone here, my business doesn't really concern her persay... it's with the one who hasn't showed is face, Lucas.

.... seems Lucas has become something to look at this past month, you'd never see him with girls like Alex and Lena, they are the top runners in the school, best of the best... and Lucas, well... he's Lucas.

   He's a problem, I don't care for him...

   Slade, not to be rude... but you barely know him... I thinks he's a jerk, but that's another story.

   So I've heard... I don't know, I guess the real reason I don't like him is because he reminds me of myself at the time, reckless... dangerous.

   I don't know about dangerous, but reckless fits him well... I've heard he's gotten his motorcycle liscenes, and is now driving an older bike, something that the British has loved.

  So it was Lucas arriving in that old beater, fits him well... there both trash. Speaking of the old beater, I heard it's approach... guess it's time to end my conversation with Kerry.

Well Kerry, sounds like Lucas is approaching, but I'd like to talk to you some more though... sense where a thing now, I should learn more about you

   Same here Slade, talk to later.

   Kerry went back to working and Lucas walked in... he didn't notice me but he walk over to Alexandria and they started chatting. Lucas, that moron doesn't know what he's getting into, I sat there staring at the boy and he finally turned and seen me when Alexandria pointed me out, he didn't look to thrilled, good... he shouldn't. Alexandria told him that I'd be accompanying them on the hunt, while Lucas wasn't to thrill there was no way I wasn't going. I stood up and headed to the door, looking there way I said...

   Let's go...

   They got up and I held the door open for them, making sure I was the last to go out, looking back I caught Kerry's eyes and waved Farwell... when I got outside, I caught the beginning of Alexandria's little lecture, she's going to get on my nerves if she plans on doing this the entire time

   Alright boys, I'm all for you both to stroke you massive egos... but I'm team leader as of now, you listen to me or you can turn with your tail between your legs and run the other direction, got it?

   She looked at Lucas who gave her a node then at me, waiting to hear me give her the formal saying for backing down and giving them control, she has always wanted to hear it from me and wouldn't go forward until I did.

   Fine by me Alexandria, as the Sioux pack weapon, I step down and let you take control...

   Lucas looked my way with a smirk on his face, it seemed as if he wanted to say something but thought otherwise.

   Well let's get going, let me just go put my cycle away before we go...

That's right go put you're bicycle away little boy...

  Careful... we wouldn't wanna put a dent or scratch on that American made trash.

Before I even able to respond he sped out the parking lot, heading to whatever place he calls home. While we waited Alex and I chatted

   How've you been Slade? Haven't talk to you sense the last time you had been here.

Life's goes on, it hasn't been a great one these past months but it seems to be getting better...

That's good to here, listen... I'm sorry to hear that you were exiled from your pack, you were a great hunter.

Not were... Am a great hunter, I may be labeled as a Rogue now... but I will always be the Sioux packs weapon, nothing less.

   Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you my guy...

   My guy? She must be trying something new, she looks a lot different sense the last time, now she's talking different... what has this pack come too. We talked for a while longer when Lucas finally got back, he had been running and he seemed short of breath, wolves have always been the quickest beasts out there, so he better be able to keep up with me and Alex. I locked up the Angel of death and we raced out of the parking lot heading into the forest towards warehouse 6. Alexandria didn't know exactly where the warehouse was but I caught a sent so I motion for Alex and Lucas to stop.

You smell that Slade?

Yes... the sent of death.

   After we caught the sent, Lucas used some new power of his, one to see many miles ahead.

I see the building, probably three stories high and about a mile ahead.

   I couldn't believe it... his sight was true.

He speaks the truth, about a mile up ahead the smell origanates

   Before Alex or I could say a thing, Lucas created a portal and jumped through and it closed up after him, he didn't tell us what he was doing but hopefully he wouldn't get himself killed... don't need John on my back, or Lena. After a good 5 minutes past, Lucas showed up again coming through another portal.

   New tricks I see, hopefully you don't plan on doing that a lot, it'll make you looked softer then you already are.

   He didn't even remarks my comment, just us he spotted seven men on constant patrol outside, and maybe 18 inside. I smiled at the thought of the fight that was coming.

You two, go inside with the thing you just did... I'll deal with those outside, once I'm done with the men outside, I'll come in and fight along with you, good luck Alex... and Lucas... stay out of Alex and my way... not need to get yourself hurt.

   I watch them drop into a portal and waited until the portal disappeared, after it faded entirely... I let my Lycan form take form, I grew in size, shoulders bulking up into the size of tree trunks... but along with the lycan, came the vampire within me, I let it take it place amoung my wolf, to see what would happen, my gravest mistake. In a matter of seconds I blew through the gate house with a massive explosion of brick and dust, before any of the men could comprehend what was happening, I broke into my rampage, two men came at me with rifles shooting me with silver, pathetic... I flung them up into the air and watched them get impaled onto the fence, at the sight of death... I laughed. I've never laughed at death, this was unlike me, but I enjoyed the new power, three men came running at me, these were witches, because they came at me and start forming chains around me from thin air, the chains broke under my strength. As I raced towards them, I saw the terror in there eyes, then leave them entirely leaving an emptiness when they took there last breaths, I had ripped my claws along there stomach ripping them open and letting the guts spill out. The wolf inside me grew hungry at the smell, but I wasn't done. Lucas had said there were seven men, five laid at my feet... where were the other two.

   Before I was able to get my answer, I heard Alex scream, not in pain, but a scream ment to stop something... Lucas had gotten his hands on the Doc, and now he wanted to kill him. I moved back into my normal form and raced to the other side of the building, that's is where I found Lucas on the ground with Alex on top of him, she had tried to stop Lucas, but he already had stabbed the doc, his body laid still in the grass to the right, then he stirred and rose with a laugh.

Oh I just love experimentation, don't you?

   This guy wasn't normal, nor was he a man like me, he was a cruel form of a monster he had taken the hearts of his patients and added it to himself to gain more life, a cruel joke.

Lucas let me do it, he won't last long against me.

ALEX! Hold him back, this is my fight.

   Alex ran in front of me blocking my way. This is not how it was to go... if the Doc had multiple hearts, then he probably had a few tricks up his sleeve, I could let Lucas get hurt...

Common Mann don't do this, the weight of his death doesn't need to lay on your shoulders, I've killed before, there's no need for you to bloody your own hands yet.

   He didn't listen, the next thing I knew, a flaming sheildngrew around Lucas and the doctor. Before Lucas finished off the Doc I heard him yell


   Then I heard the familiar sound of a blade plunging into a heart, ending it's beat, then the flames slowly closed in... I thought Lucas would be burned alive but instead... he walked out with a bottle of ash, the ash of the doctor. Lucas had now killed, and it must have been exhilarating. Instead of having the look of joy... he had the look of despair, but then that despair turned to pain... in a matter of seconds, Lucas was on his knees screaming for forgiveness.