There are two kinds of fighters: Those who fight because they hate, and those who fight because they love.
-- Chriss Jami
G: Grant
M: Michael
C: Cole
A: Alec
Cal: Cal
Travis, my brother... has taken someone from me, I will bring him to justice for her death, He will be locked away forever by any means necessary, but before any of this is to happen, the placement of my grandmother must be dealt with, I grabbed the phone off the countered and dialed the packs number, getting an aggravated Hudson to answer.
H: So.. This is what you do to the pack who has protected you Eleanor... You house a rouge?
Don't you DARE question my grandmothers motives you bastard!
He had been startled to hear my voice, he had thought my grandmother was calling
H: Slade... What gives you the right to call the pack after what you had done.
... The right by death... Eleanor is no longer with us, killed by a witch, I want you to send some wolves to come grab her and bring her to the compound, and hold her body there until I get back.
He was silent for a good while, probably thinking on ways he could bring me in, but we both knew that in a time of death, an exile may come back and mourn the death, and the pack must not do anything to that individual.
H: I will send some over, you said a witch killed her, was it the one that she had Johnny trailing...
No, the individual that had done this was someone else, someone who held a vengeance against the Jackson family.
H: That's still a long list... What do you plan on doing with the witch.
I will Bring him to justice, and make him pay for her death, but after that he is the witches problem... not mine.
H: Let the pack help, I'll send some wolves with you and they can help bring the bastard to justice.
Hell no, All I want from you is a confirmation that I will be able to come back and mourn my grandmothers death, without interruption from the pack, The pack is to stay out of my business and leave me be.
We both knew the packs law, no interference during the mourning process, even if they are exile.
H: When you return, I will give you one day... after that, the pack has free range to bring you back and lock you up.
So be it.
I hung up, and awaited the arrival of the wolves who would take care of my grandmother's body, I filled Lucas in with what is happening.
L: Okay, you're telling me Hudson, is letting you off the hook until you catch this guy and have your day of mourning ... I sorry but if I were in his position, I would take you out, no matter the situation.
Us wolves aren't and bad as you believe, family come before anything. Family is everything to the pack, but I wouldn't have put it past Hudson to take me out due to what happen to his son... But he has the entire pack looking at him for guidance, if he broke this law, they wouldn't allow it.
L: Hasn't he broken one already? He has prisoners in there, I thought you said wolves don't take prisoners by law.
I was growing agitated, I didn't owe Lucas all the answers he was asking.
He was able to manipulate them into believing that taking prisoners will help them with other hunts.
He looked ready to ask more questions but stopped, so did I. I felt the presence of wolves. I looked towards the door and couldn't believe what I was seeing, but it brought a smile to my face.
Of all the wolves he could've sent, he sends the ones who wents on hunts with me.
My old Hunting buddies were here to bring my grandmother to the compound. Grant, Michael, and Cole, these boys had helped me even after the incident in Rhode Island, they had my back in a fight always.
G: Can't get rid of us that easily.
We shook hands and then Cole, the only one who can ruin a good moment spoke up.
C: Alpha couldn't send anyone else anyhow... They all are loyal to Tony, you know.. The wolf that just lost his girl.
Missed you too Cole, that was a mistake, I know... But she would've set off the alarm and the beginning and more wolves would've dropped.. Were there any more casualties besides her?
G/M/C: No...
M: Some had broken bones but... nothing that the witches couldn't heal.
I sighed with relief.
Good... No other wolves need to die.
They looked away from me and towards my grandmother, who Lucas and I had set on the couch, placing her hands upon the stab wounds. I couldn't myself from letting a few tears dropped, the boys... they knew Eleanor and loved her as there own grandmother.
G: God... I sorry Slade.
M: Ya man, sorry.
C: Ya...
The boys went to her bring along some stones the witches must have given them, all three took a different position and used the stones, a circle of light inclosed my grandmother making a makeshift body bag, they picked her up and headed my way.
G: Our alpha has agreed to hold her until you return, at that time we will go through the process of mourning and after one day, You will not longer be protected from the wolves...
Hudson had already told me but I still nodded to Grant.
G: Let us come with you, we can help with the bastard who killed her, take him down like we used to do together...
L: No way Wolves, It's me and Slade, that's it.
I had forgotten Lucas was here, he had been silent throughout the moment and now decided to speak up. The three looked towards him, anger in their eyes.
M: Who gave you the right to speak, you are no wolf, all you are is another witch, how about you follow the rules like the other around here.
L: I'm no pushover bub...
I decided to speak up before they went after Lucas, I swear he needs to learn how to hold is tongue when talking to wolves.
Boys, back down... Lucas isn't like the witches round here, in Tennessee they don't take orders from wolves, they deal with themselves... and as for coming with me. I'm going to half to agree with Lucas.
They looked at me in shock.
I'm sorry guys, but... I don't want you guys getting into any trouble with Hudson, I know he would allow you guys to come along. But then he'll twist the thoughts of the other and turn them against you. I don't need that, all I want you to do is bring my grandmother there and get the funeral ready. I'll be back in five days. So make sure everything is ready.
They didn't like it but they nodded
G/M/C: Good luck Slade...
After that... they left, taking my grandmother's body to the compound. I turned to look at Lucas.
Watch what you say in front of wolves dammit, especially those three, they are the closest to my level of rage, and don't care to be insulted.
L: Does it look like I care? Wolves need to learn there not all high and mighty... I can drop the majority of them if I wanted to.
I'm just saying Mann, wolves deserve respect, you think they all wanted this... they were born into this life, and not all just come to kill Mann, most believe in tradition like I... we protect many people from dangerous things.
He didn't speak, probably processing what I said, he finally spoke after a few moments
L: How do you plan on tracking Travis then?
Back on track... finally, though the only answer I had for that... was Keith.
To find a witch... you need a witch... and I know of one that really loves to use tracking magic.
Lucas grew a smile, he knew what that meant...
L: If we're heading home, then let me get my bike ready...
I was not going to have this moron follow me in that bike, more than likely he wouldn't be able to keep up.
listen Lucas... I would rather get there as quick as possible, how bout you keep the bike here with that vamp you came with, you'll ride shotgun with me.
L: in that American made tra-
Don't say it...
L: Fine... but I will be giving my bike to Gabriel to bring home, Nathan... is dealing with some problems right now.
Great, he pissed off a royal, but at the mention of Gabe... I had to ask him if he knew of Gab's wife...
If you know Gabe... then you must know is wife Catherine right?
He did a double take...
L: you know the two?
why would I not know the hunter that roams the Tennessee packs territory... as for Catherine... you do know she's Lena's mother.
L: You just gotta know everything don't you...
A wolf with knowledge survives... along with strength.
I headed to the as well as lucas, I let him leave first and I turned and looked back into the house... the next I'll see it, is when I'm here to remove her stuff, Keith will be heartbroken we he finds out about her death, Heck if he had been here... he may have been able to stop Travis, unlike Lucas, Keith grew up with magic, he may have had a way to stop Travis. I couldn't dwell on what "could" have happened, it wouldn't help.
L: You Coming Slade?
Lucas and came back to me, he was ready to go, guess we should get going.
Yeah... let's go.
L: I'm having Gabriel meet us at a gas station in Canton, it's the town between here and Sioux falls.
Ya I know, Though... I'd rather get gas here then in that town, small towns means over expensive gas.
We headed to the garage where Lucas started his bike and headed towards the rendezvous, I got in the 'Angel of death' and followed close behind, like I said... He slow as hell. It took a good twenty-five minutes to get there while it would've taken me ten if I had been leading, Lucas pulled into a Casey's and up next to a u-haul pulled by a Nissan... God I wanted to barf, while he did this I pulled up next to a pump and Filled 'Angel'. The gas station was quiet, except for a Red GMC, it was only me and Lucas. After filling her up I headed inside where I caught Lucas chatting with a dude with a subway shirt on, next to them was a man about my height paying for gas, guess I found The GMC owner, once he finished paying he moved out of the way noticing I was waiting, he must have noticed my rings because he said.
?1: Dude, nice rings, Sterling silver right?
Nah Mann, real silver, but thanks...
I noticed he had rings as well
Back to you though... Is that a wolf ring, it's pretty sweet.
?1: Oh ya gotta love wolves, there intriguing animals, most people are misinformed about them.
The Dude Lucas had been talking to spoke up at this moment.
?2: Ya Cal... people need to know the wolf is just a wild dog.
Cal: Dammit Alec, the wolf came first, if anything the dog is a tamed wolf.
Now I wouldn't say that...
The Dude named Alec looked at me as if I just agreed with him about the wolf being a wild dog, But no... I actually didn't care for the dude now that he said that.
A wolf is not a wild dog, and a dog is not a tamed wolf, I say a dog is just a wolf with a beaten spirit.
Guess that sounded a bit dark to them cause they looked at me if I'm insane..
Just saying...
I paid for the gas and headed out, I was about to get in when Lucas and the others stepped out of the store, and the Taller dude, Cal just lit up in excitement.
Cal: Thats a 1968 pontiac firebird... My god that's sick bro, how the hell did you get that!
It was gift from my father, it took him a bit... but he found one in good condition, he fixed her up and made this beauty... though I've been meaning to update her vinyl, thinking of some golden vinyl.
Cal: Black and Gold would look sick together, damn...
Cal knew his cars... Finally I've met somebody that new american muscle, Lucas just stayed back with Alec, guess Alec wasn't a fan, if he's a bike fan, I'm gonna flip. Cal finished up looking at the 'Angel of death' and thank me for letting him check it out and he headed towards the GMC with Alec in towe, Lucas came over to me ready to go.
L: You know, I think this scenery is crap... but the people aren't that half bad round here.
Small town people are... you didn't meet much of the people in sioux falls... their assholes up there, and the drug problems there are terrible, I miss home but I don't miss the shit around here.
I open the drivers door and got in, lucas went around and went to open the passenger door but it didn't open... I pressed the unlock button and the door swung open.
L: Couldn't you have done that earlier?
I laughed and then heard the boys from the GMC
A: Couldn't you have done that earlier? I swear this always happens
Cal: Sorry bro...
Talk about weird right... they passed by and wave goodbye, I returned the wave as well as Lucas, once they were out of the way I headed out, Time for the long trip home.
L: Wake me when where their...
He laid the seat down and rested his head.
Did I say you could move the seat kid... This car is old, no need for you to damage it.
L: I layed the seat down, what's that gonna do Slade?
Oh, I don't know... maybe stretch the leather seats and create tears in the seat, put the damn seat back up, if you want to rest, rest upright.
He reluctantly put the seat back up into sitting position, common he has an older bike so he should learn about keeping it in good quality.
L: It's a car Slade jeez.
... Not just any "car", my fathers 'Angel of death'
He didn't say anything after my response.
No stops besides gas, we will be driving the entire time.
I turned on the radio, when nothing good played I put in one of the discs my father had left, once in, Shinedown's "What a shame" started playing, guess I did get my taste of music from my father. The rest of the ride home was filled with shinedowns best hits, and I had gone through 10 discs when we finally reached home.
L: Home sweet home, no more fields of corn and beans, Trees as far as the eye can see, beautiful.
I dropped him off at his place, tomorrow we would start the hunt for Travis, right now... I needed to make sure Keith would be able to even track Travis, heading home I drove through the wolf's territory and didn't see many... normally the sidewalks were packed with families and kids running in the yards, now... it was empty. I kept on driving wondering what happened while I was gone and finally pulled up to my garage. I park 'Angel" and headed inside hoping to be met by the beautiful face of Kerry... Instead, I was met by destruction, my home was destroy... someone had attacked Keith and Kerry while I was gone, I had to find them. Running through the house I looked for any signs if Keith or Kerry.. Nothing, I was about to give out and head out looking for them when I found a note pinned to door. I fucking walked right past it dammit... I grabbed it and read the note.
'You betrayed me brother, now it's time for revenge, You want to see them again... come and get them -- Travis'
I crumpled the paper and ran to the door and was met by a pissed off Lucas.
L: Lenas gone... Travis has her.