Uxtan Kingdom vs The Kingdom of Twilight (12)

(Zehar POV) 

Wow, look at Master and the old hags looking cool as hell… maybe I should tell the heroes to shut up as well. Speaking of heroes, here they come running towards me. 

It seems learning how to suppress my presence from some of the adventurers has come in handy since they can't tell the difference between these weakling soldiers and me. 

"That's right, just a little bit closer," I mutter, crouching on one of the various trees that somehow grew out of the murky blood-red water. 

Though the next heroes in line had split up, they weren't that far from each other. If I attack the next Light Hero, who is pretty much right in front of me, the others will definitely notice and try to help him out… making my job just a bit easier. 

"I already know where I should bring them, so just come a little closer," I mutter once again while twirling two balls of condensed poison within my hand.