The Skeletal System of A Plane (1)

After a few more hours of waking up and enjoying the nice relaxing massage, we finally set off for the massive cracked line in the ground, which I immediately assumed to be a, 

"Ravine," I mutter as we stood near the edge of a massive chasm that stretched for about 50 meters north. 

The forest had thinned out the closer we got to the ravine, and when I tried to [Inspect] it, nothing popped up, signaling that it wasn't another biome within the [Mountain of Twilight]. 

The bottom of the ravine was covered in a thick fog that made it impossible to see the bottom but above that were beautiful shining gems and ores that I had never seen before. 

"Would Mistress like me to collect some of these ores to bring back?" Bella asks, her eyes lit with determination for some reason. 

"You like gems?" 

"Y-yes, v-very much. B-but, of course, I'll collect them with only Mistress's permission," 

"Where are you going to store them?"