The Skeletal System of A Plane (9)

Their laughs had slightly slowed down as I reached the blades of my scythe towards the gargoyle leader's throat. 


I had successfully swung my scythe, but for some reason, I felt it stop in its tracks.

And then, in the next second, all the gargoyles around me split up, seemingly running away from me. 

"Huh? Are you scared to die-" 


"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mutter after seeing the gargoyle leader quickly expand and grow 3- no 4- no 9- no 12 times larger- no… it just kept on growing without any signs of stopping. 


After only a few more seconds, it finally stopped growing, but it was so much taller than ceiling height, forcing it to bend over just to fit in the room. 

A gray giant gargoyle which took a more humanoid appearance, had appeared in the room, slightly frightening my maids and even the gargoyles.