Final Kingdom Battle: Uxtan Officials vs Twilight Officials (4)

Just barely, I managed to block the attack with my sword, which I had slung along my waist, buying time for Kumo, Homura, and Treyni to stand up before attacking him with all they had. 

Homura had summoned 3 massive halos made of raging blue fire, which almost rivaled Arpious's black flames, which could swallow anything. 

Two halos were above her head while the biggest and most dangerous was lined against her back as she began to summon hundreds of tiny foxes that created even more blue flames that she began to manipulate. 

Kumo created hundreds of chains used to restrain the king as she was more used to providing support, while Treyni created hundreds of flowers and vines that were used as a distraction for Homura's attack. 


Suddenly, in just a split second, the king had brought his sword up and slammed it back down on my sword, breaking it in half instantly.