The Kingdom of Twilight vs The Plane of Twilight (12)


I swung my sword up once, causing a blast of black mist to erupt from my blade and threaten to hit the man in the chest. 

He managed to dodge it relatively quickly, but he didn't see the other five blades of black mist come from behind him due to his careless attitude. 

"ARGHHHHH!" The man shouts after feeling waves of pain assaulted him.

"B-Brother! Are you alright?" The woman reacted immediately, but when she went to check for wounds, she saw nothing. 

"Oh? Brother?" I mutter with my calm expression, slowly warping into that of a sadistic one. 

I can use this... 

Quickly, after I circled the tall man with short goldish-bold hair, I summoned a few undead from below them, catching them off guard as their ankles were held tightly down, restricting their movement.