Growing Five Empires (1)

"I-I will report as your royalty wishes," 

"Also, tell Kolora to come here once she has some free time. I need to make sure she gets the fucking idea through her fucking thick skull… Geez, so annoying," I mutter before sending him off with a wave of my hand. 

  It's only been a few days, so the empires are in a very primordial state that will only grow from here. 

I combined the surrounding kingdoms forcefully and planted two emperors and empresses in each, so there is a bit of a head start… but gaining the empire's trust will be hard. 

"Mother, I have come," Hades says, walking into the throne room. 

"Oh, what are you here for?" 

"I was wondering when I'll be able to rise to the throne," 

"You'll rise to the throne once I feel the plane is steady. Right now, there is so much conflict, and since you are so inexperienced, my work will just go to shit," 

"I'm sorry for asking,"