
"Fine… Then no allowance for the next month," 


She appeared in front of me. 

"I-I am ready to work!" She shouts. 

"Good girl," I say before petting her head. 

Her smile grows wider before we make our back to the palace as the ice from before retreats into my favorite warrior's body. 

"My favorite warriors, let's go!" I shout. 

"Why'd you call him that?" 

"Cause I didn't bother to remember his name, and I think it would be rude if I asked now… after a few years," I respond as the man quickly jogs over to me. 


Unsurprisingly, Arpious was quick and efficient with her work. 

I gave her triple my stack of papers, but she only finished a few minutes after I finished my own stack. 

It was currently late at night, and I was stroking her hair as she lay on my thighs.