My Child Is Wanted

All these siren things… These sirens are something that is a mystery to the world and myself… But I won't let them take my child away from me. 


Titans didn't do much. A dragon barely did anything. An entire war across the plane barely phased her. But, when Arpious birthed her child, something shifted within her… and she was humbled. 


After a few hours of cuddling, the nurse came back in and saw the baby crying and wailing everywhere relentlessly, so she immediately gave me a paper that had all the information I needed to know. 

And apparently, Hepha was hungry, so I immediately took off my shirt, and without hesitation, she latched on. 

The weird feeling coursed through my body as she sucked… and sucked… and sucked… and sucked… 

"Nurse? How long is she supposed to be like this?" I asked.