Informing and Completed Preperations (Ysal POV)


"Alright, then go take a shower and come join us," I said, making Arpious immediately depressed. 

It was as if the horns on the top of her head were drooping down like sad puppy ears. 

"D-Don't worry, I won't let go of you," I consoled her, but her jealousy was out of this world. 

"Ysal, I have to tell you something," She suddenly said. 

I heard a large drop of saliva get squeezed down her throat as she looked into my eyes, more serious than ever. 

It seemed like she was dreading even opening her mouth, but after only a few indecisive seconds, she finally spoke up. 

"I have to go back to my original plane…." She muttered, and I could see the indecisiveness from before slowly trying to claw its way back into her. 

But I already expected this.