Tense Greeting

The sun dragon in front of me began to glare straight past me and at the woman who brought me only tighter and tighter into her embrace. 

"Excuse me, but I must retrieve my wife for a few moments. There are some very important people, who would like to meet her, and I believe networking would be the best thing in hell… now, if you would please-" 

"Hell no," Ysal immediately replied, grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the devil's embrace almost too easily. "I still have a few hours with my wife before she returns to the Plane of Twilight. Also, I assume she must've been referring to you when she offered for me to become a demon lord," 

"Indeed. I'm also the one who is protecting her status from hooligans like you spying on her beautiful system." 

Sparks began to fly in the middle of the room, and before I knew it, the other maids who had come to check on their Mistress fainting just outside of the door.