Adventures of Ysal (1)

"Ez… Geth?" 

The woman paused for but a moment before tucking her head back into my chest and muttering something I could barely hear. 

"Wait, what was that?" 

"Just… call me Ez." 

"I see… okay… just get some rest, Ez. I'll make sure my maids prepare the best meal you have ever eaten when you wake up." 

As the devil slowly drifted off into the land of dreams, I lightly stroked her hair, 

(Ysal POV) 

Suddenly, I was teleported by the devil who had dragged my wife and me to hell, and when I opened my eyes back up from the blinding light, I didn't recognize where I was. 

But what I did know and was very aware of was the massive open grass plane surrounding me, making me think of some of the open parts of my plane.