The boy wandered among the rows, occasionally plucking a leaf to sniff or taste. "This one's minty!" he announced, holding up a sprig of winter mint. Arpious nodded approvingly and ruffled his hair.
Dinner that night was a simple stew made from the last of the autumn vegetables, accompanied by freshly baked bread. The trio ate by the hearth, the warmth of the fire wrapping around them like a blanket.
Elara's son fell asleep mid-story, his head resting on Arpious's lap. Elara smiled softly as she cleared the dishes, her eyes reflecting gratitude and a growing bond.
As the fire crackled and the stars began to peek through the night sky, Arpious leaned back, letting the day's exhaustion settle into her muscles. The tasks they had completed weren't just about survival—they were steps toward creating a thriving, harmonious life. Each day felt more fulfilling than the last, a rhythm of work and connection that resonated deeply within her.