Short Story 4: Eriti's Minion

She could hear the thunder, feel it shaking the house. But the thunder was not the reason she was curled up between her parents. No, it was the red eyes that were in the doorway that caused her fear. The beast didn't even fit in the doorway. It had pushed either side bending the beams. There were more eyes behind it, all different colours and shapes. The beast in the front opened its jaws. Drool dripped from between the teeth, it slumbered in, sniffing as it went. She knew it could smell them. She thought about her mother's warning. That there was a war between people and evil monsters, that she had to be careful. She had followed her warnings and was careful whenever she went into the forest, but now they were in their village. She woke to screams from the villagers. They were the most dreadful sounds she had ever heard. She had run to her parents and they told her to hide. Now they were here, in their house. Were they going to experience the same pain the others felt? What if they kill her parents first and made her watch as they screamed like the others? She felt like she was going mad from the fear. The floor squeaked as the beast took another step. The others had made their way in too. One looked almost human but extremely pale like it was dead. Another looked small and green. The last one was massive; it did not seem to have a proper body but was made of flames. She could see the flames flickering onto the wooden floor and straw roof, but they did not catch fire. Suddenly the beast turned its head. Its eyes... they were upon her; she could feel it. It was at the doors in a second, the doors to the closet were ripped from their hinges and flew across the floor. She didn't want to show fear, did not want to scream like the others, she wanted to deny them the satisfaction, but she couldn't help it. She screamed louder than she had ever done in her life. Was she really going to die at sixteen? She felt the giant hands of the beast wrap around her leg. The nails dug into her flesh reaching the bone. The pain was unbearable. she heard her mother scream over her own, the same happened to her. They were lucky, her father had been grabbed at the shoulder by its mouth. Those jaws that were so long had embedded into his body. They went flying, the beast showed no effort in the throw. They landed right in front of the other three. The beast was quick to come back, making a misshapen square around them. The door was between two of them as if they were teasing them with the idea of escape. But they all knew that they'd be dead before they got close to the door. "They are the last ones. We can take more time with them"

Her mother was pushed aside, and she saw the hands of the pale man coming down towards her. This was it; he was going to crush her skull with one swing. If only she was stronger, she could have saved herself and her mother. She closed her eyes and waited for death. When the final strike didn't come, she allowed herself to open her eyes. The pale man had stopped, it was if he was frozen. His bright red eyes still moved in their sockets, he seemed confused. Her mother who had still been flying through the air had also frozen in place. Her eyes were moving as well. She saw her mother's eyes move slowly, fearfully to the doorway. She became scared to look over there, whatever was there was going to be more powerful than the beasts who had already attacked them. She had to see though; her curiosity was overpowering. In the door stood a man, he looked human and handsome. There was no sign that he was anything but normal except for the fact that everyone became frozen as he walked in. He wore a green tunic and brown leather vest over it. A crest was on the right side of his vest. A crest the village had talked about in myth and legend. She was sure there was no one in this world over the age of eight who didn't know that crest and the man it represented. It was Eriti... the prince of darkness, the corruptor, the most powerful being known to man and beast. The villagers said he corrupted your soul, made you evil, turned you on your friends and family. They said all the evil in the world started from him and so did the concept of betrayal. That powerful being was staring at her. The monsters had fear in their eyes now. Was he not with them? Why was she the only one able to move? "H-h...hel-p m-e." It was hard to speak through the fear and blood in her throat, but she got it out. She wanted to ask him to save her family. At least her mother but this was all she could manage. Hopefully, he understood. "What will you give me in return". His voice was soothing and soft yet demanded attention, the fear inside her washed away instantly. In fact, all emotion had seemed to fade from her. The blood inside her throat had also seemed to disappear. She could converse with him now, save her family. 'Anything, save me and my family and I'll do whatever I can." "No" His reply was so swift she had barely finished. "I have no use of them." He began to walk up to her. All eyes were on him, fear still showed in the other's eyes. Their emotions had not been suppressed. "It's only you and we have a deal". He waited for her reply. Now that he was close to her, she could see a dark aura around him, it was as if this blackness was making a physical body for him. What was he? She looked at her parents. Her mother's eyes were moving between her and him. She was no expert on reading someone but there seemed to be hope in her eyes. Is she telling me to go? She thought to herself. She looked at her father and his eyes showed anger, she was sure of that much. She could tell he was thinking 'don't you dare leave us'. With that her mind was made up "Only if you do not change who I am, abuse me or use me sexually." She said with a clear voice, she was glad she had suppressed emotions right now otherwise she would not be able to make these demands. It only took him a few seconds to answer, "Wouldn't dream of it, I won't abuse you physically and I wasn't planning on it." There was something in the way he spoke that made her question his word. As if there was something she had just missed in the meaning. He stuck out his hand. She reached out but stopped just before grabbing "How do I know you won't break this deal?" He seemed confused by the question then as if coming to a realization he spoke, "A magical deal like this is used commonly between the magical folk. It's built into the fabricate of this universe, put there by the gods. No one, not even I could break this deal". That had to be a lie. But what if it wasn't? "Why me? Surely there are other more powerful people you could be making deals with." The creature before her seemed to smile at this. Was there something he knew? She didn't like thinking that the man before her knew something about her that she didn't know. He wasn't answering her question. Either way, he said he wouldn't hurt her or change her, so it was better than staying here. Waiting to die. She reached out and grabbed his hand and with a slight shake, she felt magic engulf her. The last thing she saw was Eriti's smile, wide, evil and beautiful as she fell backwards and fell into a world of darkness.

The darkness was all-consuming, she could tell that time was moving forward but it was foggy. She could have sworn she was falling as well. After what felt like a few minutes, a light had reached her eyes. Soon she fell through the light. She expected to be falling because of her descent but she was standing. She looked around and quickly noticed the cold in the air and the clouds below her. She was on a mountain above the clouds, a sheer cliff right in front of her. The air was so fresh, she took a deep breath and held her arms out on the side. The feelings that had been suppressed earlier suddenly came back to her. As if her body and mind had just realized that she was no longer in the presence of Eriti. She felt her knees buckle and she fell onto them. She couldn't stop the tears from falling. Her thoughts went to her mother and her father. She had left them to die. Now that she could feel again, it hurt so badly. The other villagers, her friends, they were dead, and she had not joined them. She was the last of them. Perhaps it would have been better to join rather than feel the pain and loneliness she was feeling now. She wondered if they were angry at her for not joining them. She now knew why he removed her emotions; it was so she wouldn't make a decision based on emotion, that she would make one based on logic and survival instinct. She sat there on the mountain crying. Crying for all she lost and all she believed she was going to lose.

She did not know how long she had been crying for. Time seemed to blur as she sat there, thinking of her mother. Eventually, she noticed a pull. Not someone pulling her arm or her back but a pull from the inside. Something inside her wanted to move towards the way she had been facing when she first gained consciousness again. It was more like a feeling that she wanted to or needed to go that way. She believed it was north, but she was no adventurer or travelling merchant, so she had no real way of telling what direction it was. "What's over there?" She asked herself but she did not expect the answer that came from her head. "It is your mission" a voice that was not her own said. The shock that came from hearing the voice was second only to her new curiosity towards it. "What are you?" She knew it wasn't Eriti's voice, it was male, but it wasn't his. "I am knowledge. More specifically the knowledge of Lord Eriti. I know all he does, and I have been placed here to help you in your quests." That made sense, of course, he put this thing in her head. "And how much does my lord know?" she replied. As she spoke, she realized she said something she had no intention of saying. She tried to say his name in her head before it replied but it always came out as my lord. She felt a ping of sadness when it dawned on her, she was truly his servant now. It felt longer but after a few seconds the voice finally answered. "He knows almost all there is to know in this universe. He knows a lot of the surrounding universes as well. Some of the further ones." Confusion was all she felt from this sentence. "What's a...universe?" She had not known much in her simple life in the village. The only things that she was taught were how to do housework when she got older, the good and bad vegetation in the forest near the village and a bit of swordplay from her uncle. "The universe is an expanding space that holds everything in existence. Including the planets, stars, nebulas and other objects. Therefore, a parallel or surrounding universe is a universe that is similar to this one including this planet, people and laws. However, the further one gets from their original universe, the rules and nature of the universes will change". Words... Too many words. She got what it meant by what a universe is. Simply put it was everything. All the stars she saw in the sky and the darkness between. Herself, the animals and the beasts. It was everything. But there was two of everything or more? What is the nature of a universe? She was about to ask more when she felt that pull getting stronger. She had to go to that location. She began to turn around to climb down the side of the cliff, but she was stopped by the man in her head. "It would be more efficient to jump off." She almost laughed when she heard it speak. "Yeah, if you call death efficient." "You will not die" It replied almost instantly. "Lord Eriti has made you stronger and given you the ability to wield magic. Do you wish to know all of your provided abilities?" The idea that Lord Eriti had given her powers made her angry, he wasn't meant to change her, yet he had. Was the thing he said about him not being able to break a deal a lie? Magic, was she even human anymore? Her grandpa said that humans can't naturally learn magic, it had to be gifted by demons or be transformed into a monster. She sighed out her anger, as she realized that the thing was waiting for an answer. "Okay..." if he had changed her, she had to know what she can do so she can get this over with as quickly as possible. Information flashed through her mind faster than she could keep track. It made her dizzy, nauseous. She fought the urge to vomit on her dress. Eventually, the feeling calmed down and the knowledge sunk in. She was strong, she knew it now like it had always been that way. Spells, she knew more then she could count, and she had the ability to produce fire from her hands without inciting a spell. As if it was an ability she had been born with. She clenched her hands tightly and the heat spread down her arms and into her fists. As she opened her hands. A small flame started on her palm and it felt natural as if this was the way it was meant to be. 'What has he done to me?' She thought. She wanted to still be angry, but she was excited. Without hesitation, she leapt off the cliff. She didn't know how high she was, but she fell about ten seconds before she hit the ground. The earth cracked and shook as she landed, she didn't stay there. She was off, running as fast as her legs would allow. She had never ridden a horse before, however, she was sure that her speed was beyond one. The trees and grass were blurs, the wind in her hair felt so freeing. Despite her sadness before, she could not help but feel joy in this moment.

She finally stopped running after a couple of hours. It amazed her still how long and fast she could run. She was puffed now though. Despite that, she did not stop for a break. The more time passed the more she felt the need to get to her destination. She decided to take this time to continue her questioning of the mysterious voice within her own mind. "So, what is a surrounding universe? And what is the nature of a universe?" "There multiple universes, each one is different based on the events that happened by choice or chance. Though, universes right next to each other have very little differences. For example, in the universe next to this one, there is another you but perhaps you took more after your father and had different eyes or hair, or that you had different things for breakfast. A little further away, your village was never attacked and thus you never made a deal with the lord. Eventually, you get far enough that everything is different. No, you, no magical creatures, or perhaps life never started on this planet. Even the laws of the universe change." She still couldn't comprehend that there was more of her in other places, her mother and father too, living different lives, but she understood what it was saying. "And the nature of a universe?" she asked again "As far is known, the entire multi-verse falls into three laws or natures that define the universe. For example, one nature is magic. Universes with this nature are controlled by magic, its laws are dictated by it. Though, the laws are generally flexible. Another nature is that of science. These laws are very strict and predictable, allowing for advancements in technology and understanding of the said universe. The third and final nature is that of spirit or soul. Where the universe is connected by energies that are found in different beings and tied to the universe itself. It's a life force that living things can harness but run through everything in the universe. Unlike magic that is used to bend the rules, it is generally used to control elements of the universe under the rules of the universe. It's in-between magic and science." She felt she might finally be getting a full picture. "So, we're a magic universe?" the voice took a few seconds to answer. She assumed that it was processing the question. "It's more complicated than that. There is a centre universe. This centre universe has all three natures in complete balance. As you move away from that centre in different directions, you'll find that the balance shifts to one of the three while the others are still there in some capacity. Eventually though, one will have completely overtaken the other. We are closer to the centre. Therefore, while most creatures and laws here are based around magic, we do have elements of others. For example, the cities the humans built are made because they are able to harness the science nature of this universe. There are also some non-magical creatures that use their soul to connect to the faint traces of energies throughout the universe. They are generally weaker than magic creatures in this universe though. As they are not the preponderant nature." There were some words she had not understood like capacity or preponderant, but she believed she got the idea. She began to wonder if she would ever meet one of these spirit creatures. She thought briefly if Eriti was one, but the voice said that they could not break laws of the universe and stopping her mother mid-air seemed like breaking the way the world should work. That and he is the strongest being in the world which doesn't align to what the voice said as well. "Hey voice, can I give you a name?" "Of course" it replied swiftly. She thought for a bit. She remembered the little piglet she wanted as a pet when she saw it at the market. She fell in love with her and picked a name for her. That just made it harder when her father said they couldn't afford the piglet, let alone take care of her. "I'll call you Rosie" She didn't care that the voice sounded male, she held that name inside her for the longest time. She had to give it to someone. "Lovely name" Rosie replied. "I'm Lily"

After her conversation with Rosie, Lily had started to take in the surrounding. She had been so absorbed in the excitement and questioning that she hadn't realised that the land around her was barren and scorched. No plant life nor animal life could be seen in any direction "What happened here?" she asked Rosie. "It was a battleground from the war between humans and the magical creatures." There was so much damage done, how could anything survive this war. "How is the war going?" "The war ended one hundred and two years ago. It-" "WHAT!?" Lily exclaimed. That could not be right, the war was in its early stage when Eriti and her made their deal. How could it have ended so long ago? How long was she in that darkness? "I wasn't finished," Rosie said in a rather irritated voice she did not expect he could have. "It ended with a stalemate with the human erecting cities of science to keep the creatures away and the creatures kept the rest of the worlds. Though there are multiple cities around the world connected through teleportation platforms." She wasn't paying attention to anymore. Even if she could somehow get out of this deal with Eriti, everyone she knew was dead, her world was dead. This may be the same universe but to her, it may as well not of been. She wanted to crawl back into her crying position, however, the pull was still getting stronger, so she cried as she walked.

It had been a few days and the pull somewhat weakened late in the nights, which allowed her enough willpower to make camps for the night and have some relaxing time to herself. She found out that she could ask Rosie for resources and they magically appeared. On the second night, she started asking for books and spent her evenings reading before crying herself to sleep. Whenever she did not understand a word, she would ask what it meant. Because of this, she felt her vocabulary expanding. She now new preponderant meant larger in quantity or importance. The books allowed her to learn more about the world or take her to other fiction worlds to escape her mind for little. She was never lonely at night either, she had Rosie after all. On the third day, she could feel that she was finally getting close to her destination. She had also finally spotted life. Some plants had started to spring from the earth. She found it strange that she hadn't seen any magical creatures on her travel. After all, they apparently took over most of the land once the war ended. This area was mostly barren though. She wondered why Eriti had placed her so far away. Trees had finally appeared up ahead, they were incredibly large. In between them all she could see was darkness. She stood at the edge of the forest now.

It was so dark inside. When she asked Rosie about this place, he said that this place was called the Dark Woods and she could clearly see why. No sunlight could be seen within. The pull was strong now, she knew that whatever her task was within here. Soon she would be done. Lily was about to take her first step into the darkness when she heard voices. Something was coming. Not wanting to get spotted by any manner of creatures, she moved behind trees away from the path that leads into the forest. The voices were close now, they were slurred like they were drunk. She remembered a lot of villagers sounded like that after coming out of the local tavern after a great harvest. Even with the intoxicated voice, she recognized one of them. He stepped out of the woods, the pale one. He was walking with another creature she did not know. But she did not care. She barely, registered her anger before she was at the man. He was fast though; he had noticed her and was already planning to stop her punch. Lily could not help but be impressed at his speed while drunk. The adrenaline was slowing time for her, her new instincts running wild. Her power to produce flame seemingly activating on their own. She felt the heat emerge from her chest as if her heart was powering it. The blue flames wrapping her fist. The shocked pale man hesitated for a second, that's all she needed. She shot out her other hand out, grabbing the man by the throat, lifting him into the air. As fast as he was, her new instincts were better. She thanked Eriti for them. The other being moved to save her friend but Lily pointed her flaming hand at her. She knew what she wanted them to do. The flames shot out like how she imagined dragons would breathe fire, hitting the ground in front of her. This made the lady stop in her tracks. She turned her eyes back to the man. This was the man that was about to strike her. One of the monsters that had attacked her village and her people. She felt the flames getting higher, growing in power. The flames almost tickling her face without the heat. She liked the power; she could feel it coursing through her veins. The man seemed to recognize her; his eyes had the same terror when they had laid on Eriti. He knew that she was given power by him and that there was nothing he could do to stop her. She concentrated the flames in a ball on her hand and slowly began to move to his face. The fear growing with every inch. He screamed for mercy, she liked how he begged, the way she had. The flames were close enough that it looked like his face might start to melt. All this time, she heard screaming from behind her, but it sounded too distant in her mind until a rock smashed into the back of her head. It didn't hurt nor did it make her dropped the pale man, it did, however, made Lily turned to the lady. The creature was scared however the primary emotion on her face was worry. She was more concerned with what was happening to the pale man. At this moment, she remembered her mother's face. One which was more worried for her daughter than for herself. She was doing the same. The anger was strong, the desire to kill this man almost irresistible, however, she would not become like those beasts. She forced her hand to let go; she did not have the will to remove the ball of flame from her hand. "Leave and don't ever hurt others like you did my village ever again," Lily said. Trying to sound like this was what she planned while feeling that she could still burn this man any second. He did not hesitate, he moved around Lily to join the other quickly and they both ran.

As soon as they were away from her sight, the blue flames erupted out of her body from every angle. She was furious; at the man, at Eriti and herself. She did not want to accept that she had let the anger and power get to her head. Was this Eriti's doing or her own? "Why did you let him leave?" a voice came from her head. It was not Rosie she heard; it was Eriti's voice. Was he watching her? "I..." she didn't want to become a monster Lily thought. But how could she say that to such a powerful one? "I don't want to kill creatures, it's not who I am... my lord" she replied the last two words slipping out on their own. "Are you sure?" The flame ignited in her stomach once more, she was about to yell at him, but she knew the deal would only make her polite. In a few seconds, she knew he was gone. As if in response to the ending of the conversation, the pull became stronger than it had ever been. So, she moved into the Dark Woods, thinking about just burning the place down then feeling guilty for letting the anger control her thoughts once more.

She wandered through the forest for a few hours. Always sure of the direction she needed to go. She felt as though her mission had been designed to make her angry. Was the meeting with the pale man planned by Eriti? Rosie had told her that his species was a vampire and was considered rather powerful but in the grand scheme of things not too powerful. The lady was actually human once apparently, transformed into a demon, most likely to obtain magic. "Am I a demon now?" Lily asked. "Unlike her, your powers are being supplied by Lord Eriti, you do not have the capacity to use dark magic on your own. Thus, you would not be considered a demon. You are a human with borrowed powers." "Wait, my ability to use magic did not come from the deal?" "No, your deal is a life exchange deal. If the lord had not stepped in, you would not have a life, thus a life of servitude is an equal payment. Everything else has been personally provided by Lord Eriti" She was amazed at this revelation. That means, that her lord had the power to make her so strong and she doubted he would do so if it made him weak. Among this sudden emotion of awe for Eriti was the discovery of truth in Rosie's words. She would be dead without Eriti, should she really be angry with him? Of course, he did suppress her emotions when she may have rather die with her parents with them. "Is it possible for the gods to break my deal with Lord Eriti?" she asked. Lily had read about them in one her books, it stated that they created the world and all the magical creatures. That would include Eriti. "The gods can do what they want. Though, trying to contact them would be fruitless." "Why?" "After what happened. The gods have mostly abandoned this world." Lily tried to get more information on the matter, but Rosie said that she was not allowed to know. She could not understand. What could any being on this earth do to make the gods turn away from their own creations? The way it sounded; the gods simply no longer found us worthy of their time. Rosie did say 'mostly' however, perhaps there is still a chance. Eventually, a building came into view. There was something about it that made her instincts go wild. There was something old and powerful within. It was not magic she felt either, like from the vampire. Lily did not need Rosie to tell her that there was a beast with massive spiritual power within.

She stood at the first step for far too long. She could hear from the noise within that this building was most likely a tavern. She also deduced that she was here to fight whatever this spiritual monster was. Lily did not want to lose herself to the power again, to the anger. Sheer willpower was the only reason she had not moved into the tavern despite the pull constantly getting stronger. Her leg seemingly moving on its own as when she took the first step. Before she could take another, a man had appeared at the door. It was not the being she was after, however, she could feel he was a threat. A magical one. "Well, hello there, little lady. That's some aura you have there." "Little?" Lily muttered to herself. Surely, she was not that small. "I... I'd like to pass please." "Aye, I'm sure. One question though. What does Eriti want with this place?" From the smile on the man's face, her shock must have been clear. "This guy is a natural-born demon; he is very dangerous. Advising that you take him down quickly while he underestimates you." Rosie said in her head. "My lord..." 'damn' she thought, she was going to feign ignorance but just trying to say Eriti had given her away. "It's none of your business. " She stood tall, trying to look intimidating. "Oh but if you mess with this place lass, it will be everyone's business." He said, taking a step forward. He was slowly moving towards her. Now was the time to take Rosie's advice. Her body knew exactly what to do, she moved at blinding speed. A flaming hand swang for his eye. The man went to catch her arm, but he must not have expected her speed for her hand made contact, cutting through his eye and setting him alight. Lily thought the fight was done but the flames on his face quickly extinguished and the man stared at her with his one good eye. His hand covering the other. His face despite having been on fire for a good 15 seconds, was not burnt at all. It was his turn to move. He was just as fast as her or faster. Her instincts were going wild. Her body erupted into flames, spreading out and reaching for the man. The bright blue flames were closing in on him. At the last second of the flames completely surrounding the man, he was pulled back towards the tavern, seemingly by the air itself. Landing right at the feet of a silhouette of another man. the fire smashing against itself before dispersing she did not know why she had done that. fire seems ineffective anyway. It took a few seconds but she realised that it was not a silhouette. It was a man; his body was made of complete darkness. Despite the darkness of the woods, he was completely visible. His body having an unnatural outline. If her instincts were going wild before, they had gone insane now. Her whole body was trembling with fear without any real reason why. The man of darkness was powerful but the aura she got did not seem too frightening. Yet, at the same time, he felt like a wall. Something she would not be able to penetrate. She had not realised it until now, but she had retreated from the tavern. Safe in the cover of the trees away from the man. But from the pull, it was obvious that he was the target and she had to fight him. Lily hated the idea, but she decided to let go of her fear and sense that winning was impossible. She let in her anger instead. The feeling of heat and power rushing through again, she had to admit at this moment she loved it. Lily released all the fire she could, flames scorching the nearby trees. The flames followed her will moving into the shape she believed dragons looked like then the dragon made of flames barreled towards the man. She saw the man's body shifting as the light from the flames become stronger. Light was his weakness. That's why the fire was the power Lord Eriti gave. Confidence rose, the power felt great in her chest. She could win, she knew she would win. Lily smiled and waited for the tavern to burn.

Lily knew something was wrong when it had seemed like the flame dragon stopped in its tracks. Only to realise that it had actually been changing, the blue light the flicked out were now going dark. Becoming the same shade as the darkness of the woods. It didn't take long until all of the dragon had been taken to the same shade. There was no light being produced anymore, no heat being given off. The flames no longer bent to her will; they began to move back towards her. Making the dragon turn to her. 'How, how was this possible' Lily thought to herself. He was a spiritual user. How was he controlling her flame? The dragon now descending upon her. "Vatniza Tilon" Lily shouted. It had been the first official spell she used; it was so much different than the fire. Where her ability seemed to resonate within her heart and became an extension to herself. This felt like wild energy rushing through her from an outside source. It still produced a thrill, the energy releasing at her fingertips. She had no control over it as it made a massive amount of water burst forward to meet the fire dragon. The fire was being snuffed out. Lily expected steam to rise but the fire was not hot anymore. A sigh of relief left her mouth. Leaning over, using spells apparently took their toll. Was it because she was still human? She wondered. Lily looked up to face her opponent, however, she was surrounded by dark flames. There was more than she had produced, how? Her mind reeled for answers but even Rosie was not providing her with them. Lily saw a glimpse of the man behind the flames as they danced. "Branu Hjate!" Energy ran through her once more, untamed and itching to get back out. The magic released at her palm, facing the gap in the flames where the man stood. The spell she knew thanks to Rosie would cause his heart to melt. She waited, exhausted from the spells. She wanted to see the shock on its face when his heart stopped. But the moment never came, the man touched his chest briefly as if noticing an irregular heartbeat then simply looked at her. Staring at her with a blank bright blue eye. At the moment the fire finally collapsed on to her, the man's hair parted revealing another eye. One that was the darkest of reds, it seemed to consume her in those moments. Before darkness completely engulfed her and Rosie voice spoke to her "You have failed"

As Lily fell in the darkness, sadness had been the only emotion in her heart. She was sad for failing, sad that she let herself get absorbed by the power again. She thought of her parents, what would they think of her? The darkness subsided finally. It felt like only a few minutes but last time it had been over a hundred years. "Rosie..." Lily's voice was almost a whimper. She just wanted to hear a friendly voice. "Yes? What is it, Lily?" Rosie responded as quickly as always. "...why did you not help me... tell me how to beat him?" "I wanted to Lily, but I was forbidden." The words sunk in. "Did Lord Eriti not want me to win? Why would he forbid you?" Lily's voice was still low as she spoke. "I believe he wished for you to win on your own." "But I had no knowledge, no information on that monster." "He did not have any information on you either, yet he won." Lily wanted to argue that he was stronger, so he did not need information like her. But then she would have to admit that she was weak. Instead, she took a deep breath and looked at her surroundings. She could not believe that she didn't hear the sounds of the waves before. A vast ocean was below the cliffs she was standing on. It made the world look so large. The water stretched as far as the eye could see. "Look down" Rosie's voice rang in her head. Looking straight down, she noticed a brown and white blob far below. "That's your lift." It was hard for Lily to figure out what it was, however, there was only one she could think of that would be used to transport her on the sea. "I've never been on a ship before." "Well, it should prove quite an experience," Rosie said. She felt slightly happy that she had figured it out. Taking a single step, she moved off the edge of the cliff and began to plummet towards the ocean. The fall was exhilarating. Laughter escaped her, the sadness from before washing away from her. The wind making her hair flow wildly. The sea reaching out to her.

She hadn't expected the water to be salty. The village was nowhere near the ocean and she had not been taught about it. All she knew was that fishermen went fishing for big catches here. She had remained underwater after she hit the ocean. Her eyes stung when she opened them, but she didn't care. She took in her surroundings, there was nothing living nearby besides the people on the ship above. Blue was every besides the darkness below. How deep did it go? she wondered. She sensed something nearby suddenly, it did not feel dangerous, but something was nearby. Something was coming from the depths and it was fast. A grey figure swam up around her legs and body before stopping in front of her. It looked like a giant fish, it had a fin on its back, its tail ended in a fin and it had two fins on the side as well. The weirdest of all though was its small hole on the top of its head that seemed to have been recently sealed. Lily wondered if it was an old injury. The animal was floating right in front of her, seemingly taking her in just as much as Lily was. It moved forward but the sense of threat still did not appear. It rubbed her, the creature's head against hers, it tickled but she resisted the urge to laugh. She hugged the creature, it was the first friendly thing she had contact with since the deal besides Rosie of course. It swam away slightly and made a high-pitched noise towards the depths. She assumed that it was calling more of its kind. Letting them know that it was safe. Instead, she was greeted by a new face. It emerged from the darkness slowly as if it wanted its form to be taken in. It looked like the lizards around the village but when it came to eye level, Lily was the same size as its eye. She almost let out a breath of shock. It stared at her, the grey creature which as just as small as her compared to the lizard was rubbing against the lizard as well. They were friends. The need for air was only now starting. Lily gave a little wave to the lizard before she started swimming up. The last thing she saw before breaking the surface was the lizard and weird fish swimming off together.

The air was so fresh yet salty. She had landed not too far from the ship, but she did not notice the tiny boat which was only a few feet from her now. "Gimme yar hand." A man said, reaching out to her. She took it firmly and the man surprised her with his strength. Before she knew it, she was on the small boat as well. Another man and a woman with oars on the boat. "That was quite a show," the woman said. Nothing like the harsh accent the man had. Lily could not help but look confused at the difference. The other man must have noticed as he said, "Don't mind Steve, he really wants to sound like the pirates of old." "Silence me, boy, tis is me normal voice, yee best not be speakin' any more lies," Steve replied. "I'm Sjora and this is Makaz, we'll be taking you to the captain on the ship." the woman said. "Captain?" Lily asked. "Our leader," Makaz answered. Lily gave them a small smile and a nod. "Alright you sea dogs, let us get back! Ale awaits us back on board!" Sjora shook her head "Poor guy, we ran out of ale a week ago, he's still in denial."

On the deck of the ship, the crew as Steve called the group, were standing in parallel lines towards a door making a pathway. Steve went up first and made his way to the left side. Sjora had moved to right and Makaz having come up after Lily went past her and made his way between Steve and the other men. "Introducin' our lovely Cap'n, Vai!" Steve shouted. A very tall lady walked out of the door. The crew applaud as she did. Lily did not know if they actually liked her this much or if she told them to. She wore a massive hat, two swords on either side of her waist and wore all black. Lily noticed a small necklace around her neck, it had a picture of the ocean carved into it. The picture moved though, like the waves she saw crashing along the cliffs. "Welcome aboard, Lily." Vai said as she reached her, the woman's smile bright and confident. "You know my name?" "Of course, Eriti told me." "So, are you one of his servants?" Vai's eyes shifted for an instant, anger flashing before quickly returning to a bright smile. "I am no one servant. We have a deal; I honour my ends." "I thought you were forced to hold your end?" "Ah, we did not make a magical deal, just a normal one. They still exist." Vai snapped her fingers suddenly, the crew snapped into action. Moving at an amazing pace, the white sheets unfolded. "Come along, I shall take care of you until we arrive" she gave Lily a small wink as she moved her towards the to a higher platform. On the platform, a wheel was set in the middle. Vai was now standing in front of it, using it to steer the ship. Lily took the time to watch the crew. They all seemed to be human. Were they not meant to be in cities now? She asked Rosie in her head how long it has been. He had told her that it has been fifty-five years since her incident with the man of shadows. Some much time was just passing by her. She could not help but wonder, will she ever be free of it? Or with all the adventure she's having, does she want to be?

It was nighttime before she knew it. Lily had spent most of the day talking to Vai or the other members of the crew. They came from all around the world, some were indeed human, some were something called Finfolk. Lily did not want to admit she did not know the difference. Either way, they all looked human, were they just in disguise for some reason? When she asked Vai what she was. She gave her that confident smile and simply said "Blessed." Lily admired the confidence, she wished she had been like that back in the village. Confident and strong, maybe she wouldn't have made the deal with Lord Eriti if she was. The stars were so beautiful tonight, the wind blowing the scent of the sea. At this moment, she truly felt at peace. "Miss Lily, the captain wishes for you to dine with her in her cabin." the man named Afil said. He was one of the Finfolk. "Oh, thank you Afil." He gave her a little bow and made his way back to the lower decks to drink and sing with the rest of the crew. Her mother always said when dining at someone's house, that proper elegance and manners were required. A picture formed of what an elegant and proper lady would be, while she did not change into the woman, the clothes she imaged did appear. It was a nice black dress that reached the floor. A proper gown. She found it a bit difficult to walk in and it was a bit uncomfortable, but she made her way to the cabin. When she had knocked, Vai voice answered: "Come in." As she entered, the first thing she heard was laughter. Vai was laughing at her. "Why are you wearing that? This is a ship, not a fancy-dress party" it seemed to really amuse her. Lily, however, was very embarrassed. She quickly worked the magic to change her clothes, taking inspiration from Vai herself, the dress turning into a black vest over a white shirt and black slacks. "Okay, that was cool," Vai said, her eyes had slightly widened. "Ah... thank you." "Come have a seat" Lily gave a small nod and moved to the table. There was a widespread of different foods, she did not know what most of it was. There did seem to be a few fish though. There were also tankards filled with what she assumed was alcohol. "I thought you ran out of alcohol," Lily said. "No, we are out of ale. Poor Steve, he refuses to drink anything but ale. This is whiskey." Silence fell upon the room; Lily was not sure what she should say. She said the first thing that came to mind. "So, what did Eriti do to get you to make a deal with him?" Vai asked digging into her food. "What about you?" Lily did not feel comfortable going back to the night. Vai smile never waned. "I'm looking for someone. Eriti said he could point me the right way." She then gestured to Lily with her tankard. Lily let out a deep breath "He saved my life from an attack on my village." "Village? Not many of them around these days." "It was over one hundred and fifty years ago." Vai had a clear look of confusion on her face. "He.... he keeps moving me through time... it hasn't even been a week for me...." She could feel the tears forming in her eyes. The memories now flooding her once more, her mother, the pain of her injuries, her village and how all of it was gone. She did not want to cry in front of Vai, she looked up to her now. Vai passed her a tankard and Lily slowly took it. "To new friendships. If you need me, just contact me. I'll be there" Lily chuckled a little through her tears. Then clanged her tankard to hers before sculling it down in one go.

Lily was starting to like on this ship. No one here was like the pirates she had heard about. They were nice to her, did not look down at her. She even won a few rounds of poker against them. She was standing next to Vai, who was steering the ship. "Do you know what Lord Eriti is?" Lily asked. Vai did not turn to look at her but she was frowning "No, he is a being of ancient magic though. By his power, he's been around a long time." "Ancient magic?" "Generally, the magic within oneself diminishes over time, like ageing for humans. Which is why most creatures don't use spells often. Ancient magic works differently, we don't know why, but creatures with ancient magic gain magic over time. They get stronger and thus do not 'age'. They can only be killed by someone stronger. The issue with ancient magic is that it's weak when one is firstborn." Lily tried imagining Eriti being weak at any point in time. It felt foreign but everyone is a baby at one point. Lily was about to thank her for answering her questions, however, the sea suddenly became rough. Vai was yelling commands at the crew she did not fully understand. "Something is coming!" Vai shouted. She could feel it too, something powerful nearby, it felt like the shadow man again. Fear began to creep through her. "Do not worry lass, ye be under the protection o' Vai. We'll be fine" Steve said from behind. "She be blessed after all". That's the second time Vai had been called blessed. What did it mean? There was a blast of seawater up head, like the ocean itself had exploded. The waves it caused were so massive the ship nearly toppled over. From the blast, was a figure, it towered over the ship. It was the colour of night, its head was the only thing visible, but it was still so large. It seemed to look like a bald human. "Try not to offend him!" She was turning the ship to try and get out of its way. It's dull and soulless eyes were focused on something in the distance. There was another ship in the distance. It seemed that was its target as it slowly began to move towards the unknown ship. The waves became more intense as it moved. A wave was coming from the side of the ship, threatening to knock everyone off-board and capsize the boat. Lily braced herself for a spell. But before she could start a figure leapt past her. It was Vai, completely see-through. She... was water, pure and clear. Even her clothes had transformed. She landed in the wave and it slowed, losing momentum. Little more than a small shove is what it caused to the ship. Hands made of water came out and steady the ship then the ship shot forward at an unbelievable speed. It was being compelled forward by an unknown force. After an hour had passed, Vai had finally appeared back on deck, her form slowly becoming solid again. Lily ran up to her "what the heck was that!? How'd you do that?" Vai simply smiled "Did I not tell you, I am the human who is blessed by the goddess of the sea."

It had only been another few hours before they arrived at her destination. An island, that seemed like it would only take four hours to walk from one side to another. "This is where we say bye." Vai said. "I wish you the best of luck. It's been our pleasure." "Aye lass, ye be welcomed on this here ship anytime." "Thank you, Vai, Steve." Lily said "Oh that reminds me. Rosie told me a new spell." "Rosie?" Steve asked. It was at this point she realised that not only had she not been talking to Rosie for most of the trip, she had never mentioned him. She hoped he wasn't too angry. "Ah, yeah, anyway this is for you Steve." Lily passed over a parcel to him. The man opened it in a hurry as if he had never heard the word patience. The package revealed a bottle of ale. "Miss Lily..." tears began to form in his eyes "marry me." Vai knocked him over the head "Pull yourself together." He recovered quickly "I will remember this here gesture always." Before Lily could say you're welcome. Sjora's voice rang from the ship "IS THAT ALE! ALE MAKES HIM VIOLENT! IT'S WHY WE HAD TO THROW IT OVERBOARD!" "Ye did what!?" "I better go" Lily said wanting to leave before they started a brawl, with a wave she headed off the beach "Take care!" Vai shouted after her.

"What is it I am doing here?" Lily asked Rosie. "I'm sure you can figure it out." Rosie had been blowing off her questions and apology for half an hour now. "I said I was sorry." No reply. "I'll make it up to you... somehow." "Okay, I'll keep you to that." Rosie said. "Your mission was mainly to get across that sea alive, you just have to deliver the letter to the dragon that moved here." Lily halted. "Dragon? There is a dragon here!?" "You shouldn't shout," Rosie said right before there was an explosion of vegetation and a massive creature burst forward. It was just as they described in legends, the dragon was huge, it had four strong legs, a tail the size of the ship and wings that looked like that they could blow down everything on this island with one flap. The dragon's claws came down faster than she thought it would be able to move. She could not even reach each side of its clawed foot, but she pushed against the palm, trying to keep it up. It was clear the dragon was much stronger than her. She slammed into the ground; the air left her lungs. She took one big breath and shouted "Sprient di fortza!" the magic ran rushing through her again, its foreign energy reckoning havoc before expanding outwards in all direction. The push from the explosion of energy was enough to send the dragon stumbling back. She remembered what Vai said 'once a magical creature runs out of magic, they die.' What would happen to her? The dragon was moving again, no time to think. She let her anger out, flames danced along her body. Bright and blue, they shot out towards the dragon, smothering him. Only a laugh came from the attack. "Damn it, why is everything fireproof!" The dragon let out its own fire, emerging from its jaws. There was so much of it, she leapt up, reaching higher than the palm trees and yet it was barely enough. She knew now, she could not win this fight. But... "Keolar Halt!" Metal chains ripped out from the ground, wrapping themselves around the dragon and pulling it to the ground. The dragon was already trying to stand up, Lily could see that the chains would snap. "Wait, please! I just have a message. That's all I am here for!" Though, that was what she intended to say. The language she spoke was not that of her own. It was strange on her tongue. She held up her hands as to show her surrender. The dragon stopped struggling and gave a loud snort. "Well, hand it over." He spoke the same language back, while the words were foreign, she understood. "Rosie... the message," she whispered. A letter appeared in her hand a few seconds later. "Here you go, sir." He ripped his foot out from underneath the chain and gripped the ridiculously small letter by comparison in between two claws. After reading it for a few seconds, anger flashed in his eyes. "ERITI SENT YOU!" Pure rage was in his words. His voice so deep and primal it felt like it was shaking her to the core. It charged another breath of fire. Lily closed her eyes and prepared to be hit but nothing came. When she opened her eyes, she saw only darkness and felt only the slight sensation of falling. "Congratulations Lily, you completed your mission." Lily let out a small sigh as she let the darkness consume her.

The darkness subsided once more. The sun nearing the horizon over the ocean, almost sunset. She took in her new surroundings. She was on a dock; people were loading crates and barrels into a large ship. Something was off with them though. They didn't all seem like sailors or dock workers, they were of all different ages, there were even two guys her age and a girl that looked younger. One of the guys was muscular and definitely could be a dock worker but the other looked small like they hadn't worked in their lives yet had the strength to carry a crate in each hand over their heads. There was something that each person had in common though, they were all wearing black. Though some wore leather armour, tunics and pants or dresses, each one was black. As if darkness had been spilt onto their clothes. She didn't need Rosie to know what this was. Eriti was the cause of this. Lily could feel his presence on them. She investigated the village that was near the docks, more people in black were gathering materials and foods. Eriti must have corrupted the souls of every person in this village. They were now their most evil versions of themselves. Another thing that seemed strange was that they were all humans. She had believed that the humans of this time kept into giant villagers made from metal. There were even some on Vai's ship. How many stragglers were still on the outside? How had they survived? She realized there was a large table in the centre of the village. She was certain that it was not there before. Then, as if appearing from nowhere, he was there. Standing at the chair on the opposite end of the table. Eriti motioned her to the chair on her end, inviting her to sit. She stood there, staring. She felt all she knew she would when she saw him. Anger, regret, scared but what she didn't expect was gratitude. He was the reason she had to fight. But he was also the one who saved her and allowed her to explore the world. She met new friends because of him. She only realized that when looking at him. Eriti had not moved and she finally stepped towards the table. As she reached it her body involuntarily moved and she curtseyed "It's an honour, my lord." She had not meant to say that either. "Ah sorry, forgot I did that." He said, his voice was unnaturally smooth. He snapped his fingers. "What did you do?" She expected a big flash or food to appear when he snapped but nothing happened. "I removed the politeness, talk to me as you would. Think of it as a reward for actually completing a task." Lily grinned. If she could say what she wanted, she was going to use it. She conjured her inner Vai, "FUCK YOU, MY LORD!" She yelled for all the people around them to hear. She swore at him, she felt happy about it. It wasn't much but it allowed a bit of the frustration and anger out. She had attempted to say his name again, but it came out as my lord. She looked at him confused "You are still my servant; I need some respect." He said with a shrug as if reading her confusion, He didn't comment on the swearing though, in fact, he was still smiling. "That is much better," he said. He once more motioned her to sit. She didn't think he would allow her to sit first but he was waiting for her. The chair was so comfy, the comfiest she had ever felt. It must have been magic or something, she felt completely relaxed. Eriti took his seat as well. She noticed that is emerald shaded eyes were glowing ever so slightly, just a small glimpse of the magical power behind them. Some of the people who were loading the ship had come over now, they were carrying food and drinks. They placed plates all over the table, placed a glass next to Lily and one next to Eriti before pouring what smelled like wine. "Have you ever had wine before?" Eriti asked as if reading her mind. "No, but wine was one of our exports within the village." "Ah, your vocabulary has increased, wonderful" "Yes..." She was distracted by the servants who were still standing by for some reason. As before, they were wearing all black, the indication of their darkened souls and within their eyes, their sins were visible. The sins that Eriti brought to the surface, she could see pride within one, the scene within his eyes depicted him above the other villagers. One of the other servants had wrath in her eyes, the image of taking out her anger violently on another woman who she looked similar to. Lily had to assume it was a sister or mother. Despite all the sin and emotion in their eyes, their want to fill those desires, they were completely loyal to Eriti. She couldn't help but wonder if she had not stated she will not be changed into the deal, would she be just like them? "Why am I here?" she said. The question seemed to surprise him. "As a reward for finishing your first task. Successful missions must be celebrated." "You said that removing my politeness was the reward" "This is also a reward" his smile widened. It was hard to remember the evil monster he was with a smile like that, it was so warm. "Mashed potato and the Beithir" as soon as he finished his sentence, a servant moved to grab the food. She realized why they were here. "The bean stew please," she said and another one moved to get her food. She hated to admit it, but it felt good to be waited on. The feeling reminded her of how she had been acting at certain points, her anger and ego were growing rapidly in the field. "You said you wouldn't change me, right?" Eriti didn't answer, he just kept eating. "Then wh-" "Power is very intoxicating." 'He cut me off, he did that on purpose.' She thought. "You feel stronger than those around you. I have nothing to do with your actions or emotions outside the mission." She was feeling angry again, she knew he wanted her to be angry, but she couldn't help it. "You said you wouldn't abuse me, yet you have planned for me to run into my parents' killer, made me attack people, question my morals again and again. That felt like abuse, the way you have pushed me." "Ah, but I said I wouldn't abuse you physically. Mentally is fine, I have to test you now and again" She couldn't stop the questions now that she had asked them. "Why me? Why did you save me? As far as I can tell, I am the only human you've made a deal with and not just taken over. So why?" No answer. "TELL ME!" Her emotions were going wild, she wanted to hit something, set him alight for using her like this. She still had the gratitude for him that she had earlier, but she was questioning that now. Was he making her feel this way? He said he can't control her emotions, but he could be lying. Was it even true that he can't break the deal? "Eat" is all he said. It wasn't a command though it sounded like one, she didn't have to, but she had to be on his good side if she was going to get anywhere with this questioning. She took a spoonful of her stew. It was the best stew she had ever tasted but she expected that after the chair.

They had been eating for a while in silence now. She had to get answers, her curiosity was too great. "I want to make another deal," she said, the idea not fully formed yet before she was saying it. This got his attention. The dark green eyes seemed to burn with dark anticipation. "I want you to be completely honest with me. No lying. In return..." She thought hard for something to offer. "I'll do what you want willingly, no more complaining, I'll be completely loyal." She held her breath, waiting for his answer. "No," He said, so softly that she almost missed it. "What! Why not?" "Doesn't interest me." She just wanted answers and he was still keeping them from her. She went out on a limp and offered the last thing she would call hers and he just rejected it. She felt the fire moving up her arm. She couldn't contain her anger "Everyone under my servitude are nothing more than mindless drones consumed by their sins. I find you... refreshing. Counteroffer; I will not lie to you and you will..." Eriti pauses, he clearly doesn't know what he wants but is trying to get a deal anyway. Also, be completely honest with me" She smiled. Finally, a fair deal. Though... "Couldn't you just order me to be honest?' A playful smile appeared on his face "Do you want a deal or not?" He must be getting more out of this somehow. Though from the smile, it may just be that he finds this amusing or refreshing. "You got yourself a deal!" She said. Eriti stood from his chair, Lily followed suit. He moved to the centre of the table and so did she. They shook hands and she felt the flow of magic once again. This time she could feel the magic being drawn in from the universe and wrapping around her arm. The deal was set.

"So, is it true that you can't break those deals?" "Of course, it is." He said without hesitation. "Even I am bound by some of the laws the gods have made." "Is it-" He put up his hand to stop her. "My turn." He was playing a game "How have you found your time in my service?" As she was about to answer, she felt a weird energy running through her body. It was the magic, she felt it compelling her to answer truthfully, she was already planning to anyway. "It's been the best time of my life. I've had so much fun meeting new people and exploring the world. Especially meeting Rosie" she realized that she wasn't any resentment in her reply over being put into servitude. She didn't like it, but it was so minuscule to the adventure she had been on. He seemed happy to hear her reply and strangely, it made her happy too. She started to feel bad for her next question "Is it possible to kill you?" The stare that followed was intense. Looking into his eyes, his presence seemed to engulf her. His power was making her shake violently, a threat to the highest degree. She felt so much within the power as well. She could feel how ancient his power was like he was here at the beginning of time. His pride, anger, greed and ambition were all within the aura he admitted. When the aura dissipated, he still hadn't answered but that was no longer on her mind. "What are you? Really?" At this question, he just smirked. The threat leaving the mark he expected. "You have to be honest with me." She stated. "Yes, but I do not have to answer." Lily laughed lightly, giving him a punch softly on the arm. "Oh, come on!" She was starting to admire how he was ahead of her and assumingly everyone else. Though, her limited education before this journey probably meant she was easy to trick. She only just realized he was laughing ever so slightly too. "Let me ask you this then, what is your end goal." "To gain what is rightfully mine. What I was cheated out of." She laughed again, the idea of him getting cheated after all the vague deals were funny to her. Eriti did not seem to find this funny but he was not angry at her for laughing. "Are you thinking of killing me?" She planned to remain silent like him, hopefully making him worry just a bit but... "answer me" "No, I just wanted to know if it was possible. I fear, that if you died, my power would also die and thus my adventure would end." This... this made her angry. He did have the upper hand on her again, he didn't even let her have fun. "Promise me, you will answer my next question no matter what." She said. He did not answer for a long time before answering. "I guess I do owe you something for the amusement you provide. Very well, I promise to answer your next question as long as it is not one previously asked" She smiled, she needed something. Something, she can use over him, anything. Her dreams as a child gave her an idea. "Have you ever or are currently in love with someone?" He'd been taken aback by the question. She could even swear he stepped back in shock, but his distance never changed. What was surprising, what she had never expected was the look of sadness in his eyes "Everyone has someone who weakens them. While I say weaken, I do not mean it as a bad thing. I cherish the time. I have indeed loved, like all others have the capacity too. My wife and my child" He had a kid? That was definitely surprising. "Oh, where are they? Can I meet your child? I'm great with kids." "I know and no you cannot" "Why?" Lily asked. He seemed to ponder for a while before he spoke: "They were halting my ambition, now they are no longer available." Lily knew how he wanted her to take this. That he killed them for being in his way. But she was now realised that if he had not said it directly, it was probably now what happened. They probably were halting him, however; she did not think he was the reason they were not available. Besides, the look on his face was not one of someone who had taken his family.

"Tell me, what is it you want in this new life?" was Eriti's next question. They had been asking questions while eating for the last fifteen minutes. "Oh, I want to keep exploring, everywhere I go I get to know more of the world. The dragon was scary though." He nodded as if agreeing that dragons were scary. "How old are you?" "...That is a matter of perspective." Lily tilted her head ever so slightly. "How so?" "Well, if I were to ask you how old you are, would you say sixteen? Or would you say are hundred and seventy-three? You were in stasis as time passed but you were still technically moving through time like everyone else." "So, have you put your body in stasis?" "No, it is only an example of perspective." Lily was started to think he was just trying to confuse her. "What of time? Is time a construct or a force? Time can be stopped or slowed by magic, so does time have a physical aspect? Even in the laws of science universes, time can be slowed depending on the speed one is moving. So, what is time?" "I...I don't..." She could feel the subject falling away "Just tell me how old you are." He looked confused as if he had just explained in easy words. "...It's a matter of perspective." Lily let out a scream, why can't he be straightforward. Eriti laughed. "Look, I am not a normal being, there have been different versions of me. That are me and also not me. There may be future mes that have different wants and goals. I need to meet my goals before the future comes. This is why it is a matter of perspective. Do you mean the me of now? That has separate ideals, personality and goals from the old days, or do you mean my being as a whole to this second? Or do you mean the future me as well?" Before she could answer to this confusing information, Eriti stood up. "We must head to the docks now, the ship is ready." She could only nod to his statement, still trying to wrap her head what he said. They moved swiftly to the docks in silence, once they were at the ship, he turned to her. "I hope you had a nice time." This more gentlemen side of him still weirded her out a bit. "I did... thank you." He turned his head to the village. "Ah, my meeting will be beginning soon. You do not want to be here when my guest arrives." "Oh...okay" He gave her one last smile before she felt the darkness surrounding her again. Her eyes caught movement and she turned towards a man who had come from the sky. He stood at the start of the dock, the village behind him. The heat that emitted from him was intense and she swore Eriti seemed weakened by it. The man was covered in red flames and began to move towards Eriti. As the darkness finally cover her eyes, she whispered "Good luck, my lord."