Chapter 3 The Clan Fall

The Land Of Earth has seen little attention in the series thus far. It is located north-west of the Land Of Fire. Its government leader is the Earth Daimyo. The country is mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas. The border of the Land of Earth runs along a rocky mountain range, blocking communication with other countries.

During the Warring State Period the countries of the world were small, constantly battling each other for land, power, and opportunity.

To fight these battles, countries hired one or more clans of mercenary shinobi to represent their interests, the shinobi's loyalties ultimately going to the highest bidder.

As a result many clans were wiped out from existence leaving behind no descendants for the future generations as most of them have fallen during the constant battles.

However, sometimes some clans were smart enough to know that leaving behind their pride will let their clan survive another day.

The Kurayami clan was one of those they left behind their wealth, pride and power just so they could survive. The Land Of Earth was known for its trait of doing anything to gain an advantage over their opponents thats one of the reason they decided to attack this specific clan.

The Kurayami Clan was based at the top of a mountain which unfortunately for them was full of chakra metal. Chakra Metal is a special-made metal that can be infused through "chakra flow" with elemental chakra or even Yin–Yang chakra to produce added effects. It was very useful in fights boosting their owners strength as well as very known for making high quality weapons. Thats why chakra metal is so expensive and sought after many countries and clans.

On exactly the day of 23rd of December, during the winter The Earth Daimyo hired the famous Uchiha Clan to eliminate every member of the Kurayami Clan. The Uchiha Clan were promised a high reward considering they had to cross the whole Land Of Fire to reach their destination.

Exactly, on this specific night another member of the Kurayami Clan was born filling their halls with baby cries strong enough to pierce your eardrums. The mother begged, whined and cried only for her wishes to be ignored as her only son was forced out of her hands.

"I know it hurts you Tsukiko, but we dont have any other choice right now" The man who said this was the current patriarch of the Kurayami Clan and the father of the newborn

He had sharp black eyes, black hair and a battle scar going through his eye to the middle of his cheek.

He wore dark red armour similar to samurai armour. This armour was constructed from numerous metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body. Beneath his shoulder armour he wore two extra shoulder guards on each arm, ready for the battlefield.

The woman he was speaking with had disheveled hair and blue tired but bright eyes. She was exhausted from giving birth and was not in a very good condition.

"NO! I wont let you take him!!" She screamed, doing anything she could just to make she won't lose him. It was quite surprising that she could even gather enough energy to shout in this situation.

Just like her scream ended another ones began. These however, were battle cries coming from outside. The patriarch quickly acted and went to the window trying to find out whats going on outside. He hid his head making sure nobody noticed him, went he looked outside his eye froze and dilated for a second. Massacre.

The battle hasnt even began and it was obvious who will win just by a glance. The members of the Kurayami Clan who were able to fight have already been half wiped out. The ground was covered in their blood making small puddles, giant fires were blasted from every direction with weapons being thrown everywhere.

In the darkness of the night the bright red eyes of the Uchiha shone like lantern lights reflecting the carnage in front of them in their eyes. Their eyes span into being and made sure to wipe out everything in front of them.

Seeing all this the patriach decided his decision was to make sure his son lives on. He didnt care about himself only his son and he was sure his mother thought the same.

So he looked into her eyes and calmly said this "Listen, Tsukiko today we will without doubt perish" she didnt even flinch at his words as if already expecting his words and only listened.

"However, our son will live I promise you that"

He said this with a smile full of confidence, reassuring her.

Righ after this a man entered the room, he wore dark coloured combat boots, dark flak jacket along with a black coloured scarf around his neck hiding half of his face from the nose down to the chin only showing his grey eyes. The man had a few blood patches showing on his clothes luckily it wasnt his blood. Most of the blood was around his katana's blade that was in his right hand.

The patriarch was alarmed the second he heard the sound of the door opening but when he saw who it was he calmed down.

"whew..Its just you Shindo" This is Shindo Kurayami a good friend of Shirosaki Kurayami the Patriarch. They were closer than real brothers could be and went through many fights together. They protected each other in times of need and grew up together.

"Shindo listen up, take my son and run away from here. Head west to the Land Of Iron" Shirosaki quickly came up with a plan to protect his son. The Land Of Iron was the best choice, its a neutral country that has taken part in not many fights.

"But what about you and Tsukiko, do you really think I will just leave you here" Shindo protested the second he heard the plan

Shirosaki already predicted this and already came up with how to persuade him quickly. Quickly because even though he was trying to be calm he knew that the more they spoke the higher the chances of the Uchiha Shinobi finding them any second.

He didnt worry about himself, he was strong enough to face even a large group of opponents not to mention Shindo. But Tsukiko, his wife had just given birth she was in no position to fight. If he had to fight while protecting her, himself and his son he was sure that atleast two of them would die..he wanted to make sure his son wasnt part of these odds

"Shindo, remember a few years ago when the Earth Daimyo set a bounty on your head"

"Who do you think saved you from the mercenaries"

Shindo answered knowing that he owned him his life. "Fine, I cant guarantee you anything though"

Shindo took the newborn from Tsukiko's hands and carefully wrapped him in a blanket

"Wait let me atleast say goodbye to him"

She took him into his hands making sure she doesnt wake him "Look at you sleeping while your parents work hard" she said trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Im sorry I cant see you grow up, Im sorry I cant see you getting older and Im sorry we couldnt be there for you when you grow up" She said with tears falling down her face, the grief and sadness was obvious in her voice


The battle cries were getting louder and louder as well as closer and closer. The pride and ignorance in the Uchiha voices being clear.

Shirosaki knew that they didnt have enough time so he looked at his son one last time before giving him to Shindo who has been looking at all this from the sidelines.

Shindo took the newborn in his arms and looked at his two close friends "Dont worry I take care of him" They both nodded trusting him

"What do you want to call him?" He asked

Both Shirosaki and Tsukiko shared a moment and finally answered.

"Kaito..Kaito Kurayami"

After hearing his name Shindo quickly dissapeared leaving the two behind hoping they somehow survive even though he knew they have slim chances.

After Shindo left the battle cries became dangerously louder a lot more closer.

"Looks like this is it" Shirosaki said looking at his wife probably for the last time

"Yeah looks like it" She answered

With a loud sound the door of the room broke down with a huge crash letting in the view of their opponents.

"Tsukiko do it" Shirosaki looked at his wife and gave the signal for the plan they made up

Tsukiko did as she was told and spared not even a second. She took out a red bright pill that was filled with chakra. The instant she swallowed the red pill her skin regained its luster and her chakra flared up healing her injuries.

She took something called a Last Breath Pill, at the end of their lives or if you are cornered and cant fight it will heal the persons body and increase their chakra to higher levels giving the person uninmagible power but int turn the user would shortly die after taking the pill no matter what. But right now Tsukiko didnt have any choice..she only wanted to buy time for her son

"Because of you I lost my clan, my friends, my home..and MY SON!!!!" Shirosaki finally let all his anger,hate and sorrow explode into the world

He let his emotions run wild using everything he had for his last fight. His chakra spread throughout the whole area covering the whole building and the whole battlefield. His chakra put pressure on anything it covered causing giant earthquake like cracks to appear on the ground causing his opponents to fall in. His chakra even started to pressure the building causing it to be on the edge of collapse.

Shirosaki Kurayami wasnt the Patriarch of his clan for no reason. In the eyes of his opponents he was an awakened beast.

His chakra was strong enough it could be sensed thousands of kilometrews away from his position

"Looks like Shiro finally let loose" Shindo was already thousand of kilometres away heading to the Land Of Iron when he suddenly felt a giant burst of chakra being released.

He looked down at the baby in his arms as he was running and said to him "You should be proud you have one heck of a father" surprisingly the baby was still sleeping calmly in his arms

In just a few moments the whole battlefield turned upside down as Shirosaki and Tsukiko entered it. They both experienced hell several times in the past, the scent and feeling of standing against enemies was nothing knew to them.

They both sweeped past the hundreds of opponents easily with massive speed and strength. Shirosaki with only his katana by his side and Tsukiko with her chakra enhanced strength.

The Kurayami Clan specialised in Kenjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Shirosaki cut down several shinobi with just drawing of his swords. He made sure to inflict major injuries on anybody he went past targeting their vital points like the heart and the head.

Suddenly, he took a Iaido Stance. His right foot in front of the left one and his hand on his sheath. He concentrated every last drop of chakra he had on his katana and converted it to incredibly sharp wind chakra

Tsukiko came right next to him knowing what he was planning she supplied every last bit of her chakra to him supporting him. Because of this the amount of chakra Shirosaki used increased causing massive wind gales to rise as a result of the strong wind chakra.

He braced himself and then drew his sword from the sheath in a horizontal swing in front of him releasing an enormous wave of sharpened wind.

The wind blade travelled throughout the battlefield cutting down everything that came its way. Decapitating people without even realising until they saw the moon upside down

The wave slashed through hundreds if not thousand of opponents in the direction he drew his sword, demolishing the ground and causing rifts to appear in the ground.

This was the famous 'Demon Slash' of the Kurayami Clan. Only people who have massive talent in the art of the sword can learn it and use it fully.

Silence, the once so violence filled ground became silent void of all sound. Leaving only dead corpses. Only two people could be said to be alive right now Shirosaki & Tsukiko Kurayami.

However, one was about to die because of the after effects of the Last Breath Pill and one because of using too much chakra.

"Atleast we bought time for our son" They both said at the same time, causing each other to start laughing. After that they both fell on their backs next to each other with their life leaving their bodies.

'Atleast we bought time for our son' Although they said this, they have done a lot more.

What nobody noticed was a strange creature that watched all of this happen with a curious look on his face.

A completely black humanoid figure lacking any hair. The creature was made up of a black mass with two yellow eyes, which lack any visible sclerae or pupils along with a mouth full of jagged teeth.

"Such interesting humans" The creature said to itself.

"To think the descendants of Indra would lose in such an unsightly way"

(Authors Note: Leave a comment please about what you think)