Chapter 32


"One," I grumbled softly to myself. "Two."

Things were bad; you knew they were bad when you were actually counting pigs in order to fall asleep. I saw Wilburs float over my head one after another. I named them, I numbered them, and when that didn't work, I put them in funny clothes, all for my own bored amusement.

I'd be lying if I said it was easy being next to Dani while she slept. My eyes were wide open, staring up at the ceiling that, honest to God, made me want to puke.

Zane had put a poster of himself above her bed.

His way of guarding her from bad dreams, apparently. According to Dani, he said his poster was like an Indian dreamcatcher.

It only bothered me because it was Zane, every female's dream. Something about the way he walked, even his voice, drove women insane, my sister included. I just didn't want Dani to be another.

I'd never suffered from jealousy.

Because I'd never had to fight for what I wanted.

Until now.