"Nope!" I held my hands in the air and started walking backwards, maneuvering my way through crowds on the boardwalk. "This is where I draw the line. I'm not a stalker!"
"But you could be." My friend Maggie nodded her head vigorously. "You just need to fully commit to the idea."
"Of going to prison?"
"Oh, please." She rolled her eyes, gaining on me. If I turned and ran from my best friend and then hid in a trash can would that make me lose best friend status or just mean I was smart? I started to turn on my heel, but she grabbed my elbow and tugged me back toward Main Street. "Do you really think he'd send a blind nineteen-year-old to prison?"
"I'm not blind!" I yelled. "That's lying!"
"Your glasses are huge." Maggie's eyes widened as if to show me logistically how huge my glasses really were. "Trust me, just pretend like you can't see, he'll totally buy it."
"But I can see."