Chapter 51


You know how doctors always say never to do an internet search of your symptoms? I believed them. I refused to Google anything.

I'd always been cautious to a fault.

Half nerd, half goody two-shoes.

More focused on my grades than my hair or the fact that girls around me were wearing heels while I was still sporting chucks and vintage band T-shirts.

So, the morning after seeing Zane, after agreeing to his asinine plan and walking home in a complete daze.

I did the unthinkable.

I typed in his name.

Zane Andrews.

My first mistake was assuming that it would be all about his music and his time in Seaside.

Instead, there were so many pictures of the guy shirtless that I almost dropped my phone in my bowl of oatmeal, and about died on the spot when my dad snatched my phone instead of his off the table.

And being an idiot, mine wasn't password protected.

So he got a huge eyeful of chest.