I should let her go.
It was my new mantra, the damned sentence kept going on repeat over and over in my head until finally I just tuned it out and watched as she made a little marshmallow tower on my hospital tray.
"It's going to fall."
"Shhh!" She placed a marshmallow on the top of the pyramid and pulled back just as it took a tumble sending the thing crashing down. "Ugh."
"My turn." I rubbed my hands together. "You forget," I licked one side of the marshmallow. "It's about the lick."
Her face turned bright red.
"I'd love to know where that little mind of yours went right now."
She turned redder.
"That good huh?" I whispered, wishing like hell we weren't waiting for the stupid results from the surgeon to see if we were moving forward or just waiting for my little bomb to go off. I would have loved nothing more than to lock the door, pull the curtain, and devour those red lips.
"I can be quiet."