I couldn't help it. I tried I even did that old trick where you look in the mirror and talk to yourself as if you're two separate people. Just. Play nice. I could be nice. I spoon fed celebrities on a daily basis. It was my job to kiss ass.
I just didn't want to kiss hers.
Because for some reason, being nice somehow felt like she'd won like she was getting in and the last thing I needed was to give her a foothold in any area of my life.
So anger was all I had.
Rudeness was what I clung to.
And I hated myself for it because that wasn't me, I'd never been that guy, hell maybe she'd turned me into that guy. The one that literally didn't give a shit if she lived or died.
No that wasn't true.
I'd always cared.
Too much.
That was the problem.
True to her word, Angelica had gotten ready in five minutes. She slid on her giant black sunglasses and looked ready to take on the world better than most girls who needed at least an hour to look presentable.