
Chapter 6: The Sufferings of Mica, Part 2

The whipping forces surrounding the Eddy commenced many kilometers above the surface and kicked our little flute around, but I am a skillful master and I decreased our speed and came into a synchronous pattern with what appeared to be the inhabited part. Soon we were looking at the main building, coiled around itself like a serpent. I assumed there was no available life supporting atmosphere there and aimed for a flexible suckdock. I brought Merkury into the "comb" of docks which already had dozens of ships sticking halfway out of the comb like ticks embedded in flesh. From your ship you climbed up a (smelly) tube and emerged into the main hallway. As I stepped onto the walkway, I heard a grinding noise and felt a shaking underfoot. Normal?

The entrance was full of creatures from all over. All glad to be standing on "solid" ground with other creatures of bone, heart, hair,and spirit. We bumped into each other, maybe on purpose? And instead of irritation, felt glad at the touch. I ran into someone I couldn't even see, a laugh emerged from it. The crowd was full of smiles and we slapped each other on the back like old friends.

Grabbing the elbow of one of my companions, I received a mild electrical jolt and at that moment he was transformed into something like a shiny mirror, but he quickly snapped back into a biped and zoomed away. Not all of us were human.

Shaw leaned against a curved and shadowy wall of the Dendrome as the complex was called. He was smiling in a foxy way and talking to a younger fellow employee. He had very thin blondish orangish hair. His brown eyes probed the crowd of visitors as did his friend's. He made sharp gestures and laughed abruptly. He was shorter than most humanoids there but was firm looking although a bit fleshy. He smelled strongly of an inexpensive oil or body lotion.

"Well Spitz,,time to get to work, don't you think? Whew, I can never get used to these fellers who ain't had a bath in six months or more. I don't think they should be let in without a hose down first and maybe a dash of scent. Stink like dottle in the hot sun. ----Aye, you're right about that. ---Oh ho, look here- this one's mine. What d'you mean which one? That one grinning and staring about like a new-hatched chick . Yeah, the one with the chrome yellow hair. I think I'll attach myself."

There was an exciting thrum of music that seemed to welcome and envelope us. An older human type was walking next to me. He was short with a very pale blond moustache and a strong perfume scent.

"Hey there, sailor, how'r you doing?"

"Well I'm doing excellent thanks, how are you?"

"I'm just fine, I thank you. The name's Shaw, and you are----?"

"My name is Mica. You must be a sailor too."

"Oh yeah, yeah. Quite a long while back. Been ashore forever." These lonesome rubes want so badly to make some human contact that they'll believe any line.

It felt good to talk to a fellow mariner. "What kind of ship were you on?"

Oh boy, here we go."Well sir, I put in some time as a clockmate-I don't believe they have'm any more. Also just a hand on an old transship. But that's a long time ago now."

"I imagine merchant work was even more dangerous back then."

"Uh, hunh, yeah it was." We walked along silently for a while. Finally I turned and looked at him. "Well, Mica, I imagine you're looking for a good time here; but the truth is, things ain't free. Have you got any jack, sailor?"


"Yeah, you know, gelt, cash, money,-that which makes the world go round."

"Oh. Sure. I have about 200 Roth, but I must keep most of it"

"I don't think you have any problems. Really, if you give me 100R, I can turn it into 150 G right now, no waiting. I bet you'd like a shower with clean water."

"You can do that? Do you work here?"

I laughed,"I kind of contract with the good folks here."

"That sounds fine to me. I'll just sit on this bench and watch all these amazing travelers. It looks like I've become your personal charge." He laughed.

"Delighted," I sighed.

"Yessir, old Mica was green and he was Eager. I got him the 150G and still put 50 rand in my pocket. He did want a shower. He must have spent 15 jots in the "fresh water" capsule. Emerging clean and new, he made me steer him to the banquet hall-"Beyond the Viande."7

I know Shaw thinks I'm a raw innocent, and I suppose I am in many ways. I'm also guessing his mentoring is costing me something. But I'm alive and I'm clean and I'm feeling strong! I'm surrounded by a happy throng. I would have been pleased to sit there and gawk for hours, the creatures and the women in all their variety and attire! But I was whisked away by my keeper.