
Chapter 15: Hunting the Deadly Drones, Part 1

Merkury Log 185 Days Out

I just had the most fabulous dream! I was fast asleep when I received a distinct stemquiver. A little fish tail flick on my spine. In semi-consciousness, I was certain that Olivine had contacted me. Then I saw her through an open window. She was sanding, framed by lightly lifting white curtains. She was wearing a white gown with purple flowers over her nipples. A sash held the gown closed. She bent forward toward the open window and did something with a red flower in a greenish glass vase. She looked out the window and smiled at me; she lifted up the gown and showed me her glorious triangle and white legs. Then I was in the room with her and she released the sash that closed her gown. There were her beautiful breasts with their brownish pink nipples. The gown brushed her smooth thighs. I gasped. Her black hair in a long braid, fell forward.

Wentworth is a golden disk, only three days away. We will have to navigate across two currents in order to seize a slow one that meanders around Wentworth. Some of the currents here are extremely fast and treacherous. The Slight People are still close by; they are a comforting presence.

"Hello, Merkury. I am Fursten Flagler welcoming you to Wentworth." It was great to hear an actual voice speaking N'English. "We just have a short series of questions to ask of you before assisting you to disembark. First, what brings you here from-ah-Marble?"

"We, I am here to visit a very dear friend," Olive and I had already exchanged a couple of heady short notes, and were looking forward to seeing each other not a little.

"That's fine. How long do you plan to stay on Wentworth?"

"I don't know for sure, but I imagine for at least three wraps."

"Well, we can discuss that later. Are the three of you in good health?"


"Very good, and how much money have you got?"

"Oh, I don't know exactly," I replied easily. "Enough to get by on for at least five wraps I would think."

"Mr. Rose, I must inform you that Wentworth is a consumer destination and as a consequence, living expenses are very high. We require all visitors to inform us of their resources so we can decide whether or not they will be able to support themselves independently.

"All right then," I replied, starting to feel just a little uneasy. "I have approximately three Baans, and perhaps sixty Roth."

"I'm sorry, but we can't allow you docking space here with such limited funds," said the now frosty voice of Flagler.

"But this is impossible!" I flared."I have been travelling on the Darkstream for half a year with this planet as my destination." I paused, " How would it be if instead of an open visa, we settled on a specific shorter stay, for example two wraps."

"That is not possible, Mr. Rose. We have our rules. We have discovered, to our loss, that when we allowed those with insufficient resources to enter, when those individuals ran short of money, why they just expected the people of Wentworth to support them; well, we can't have that. So, no, we must stick to our regulations."

"Bt surely there's some way we can work this out-"

"I do not see how. I can let you speak to Altsnr Cobb. Maybe he could come up with a solution-but I would not get your hopes too high."


We waited one or two very uncomfortable minutes.

"I'm Cobb. What is it? Be quick."

"My name is Mica Rose and I---"

"Make it quick."

"I requested permission to dock and your agent Flagler said that two Baan wasn't enough-"

Cobb cut me off again."Course he did, we can't have mobs of impecunious sailors and other riffraff entering Wentworth and wanting a handout within a couple of months in order to survive. Totally against policy."

"But Cobb, surely there is some way; I've been half a year on this voyage."

"Doesn't matter if you've been at it a year. "His nasty drill softened just a shade and he said. "The only way you could meet the requirements are: sell your ship, or have someone who lives here put up a deposit for you. Oh, or if you're desperate, you could try to capture an unmanned satellite from the moon to sell. But I wouldn't recommend that."

"Where would I find more information on that?"

"If you really want to pursue this course, which I would sincerely advise against, you could look up Tantus, or Moon of 10,000 Drones. Again, I warn you: numerous desperate fellows have tried to make their fortunes this way; almost none havesurvived."

"Thank you Altsnr. We will consider our options."

There was a dry laugh.

Our connection ended.

Ronnie and Vuud looked at me with concern.

"Well," Ronnie said, "Does Olivine have enough money to carry us for a while? From what you tell us about her she'd do it in a second."

"I don't know, Ronnie. I don't know how rich or poor she is. I just must see her. But I don't want to start off by being indebted to her financially. It's just not how I want things to be with us."

Vuud looked thoughtful. "I'm finding Moon of 10,000 Drones. Cobb did say you could sell them."

This sector of the galaxy was already on our screen. "Hmm, Moons of Wentworth: there are four of them. One is Tantus also called the "Moon of 10,000 Drones".Tantus has been off limits to colonization and even to exploration since the many unmanned vehicles used to study it were joined over time by cast off drones considered disposable junk by their owners on Wentworth. They became so numerous and were joined by other defense/communication rejects that they now form a virtual shell around Tantus. Hence the name.

"In recent times, as Wentworth has sought to convert available matter into energy, the valuable metals and other elements that formed the drones is in very great demand. Retrieving these satellites however is extremely hazardous due to the speed of their orbits and their possible active defense systems including small explosive devices and possible chemical or biological agents. Very few scavengers have been found willing to take the risk despite offers of large bounties." Vuud looked deep.

"Sounds pretty crazy, who would risk life to capture one of those devices, "asked Ronnie. "I still think the best idea is to ask Olivine for just temporary help."

"I'm sorry, Ronnie. I don't know what else to do. I can't sell Merkury-she's not mine. My pride or whatever you call it won't allow me to let my love for Olivine be diluted by asking her for aid this way---"

Vuud intoned," Don't worry Mica, your beliefs are precious. I will help you, whatever you decide to do."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much hearing that means to me."

"Well I'll help," said Ronnie stoutly. "But I still think it's crazy."

"Thank you Ronnie. I suppose you're right."

I recontacted Cobb.

"Altsur, Ifwe should be successful in capturing one or two of these demon drones, how would I know there'dbe someone to buy them?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, you'd have buyers all over you if you waltz in here with a drone. If your hunt is unsuccessful, well you won't have any worries."

"And---how much really would one be worth?"

"Oh, I'd say no less than eight Baan. Happy hunting."