
Chapter 22: Catching Up With Friends, Part 2

"Well isn't this a strange, um, coincidence?" He gestured toward the huge long low building we were leaning against. "That's what we do here. This here is Biostick. We use living, one celled beings to make superior adhesives. We form them the way a customer needs, onto the product, and when two parts with this bio-glue are joined, it's stuck, I mean it's there; you just about can't separate them. You just give the critters a bath of water plus nutrients about once a year and that's it."

"I assume a lot of the bio-mass that makes the adhesive is destroyed in the process?"

"Well, not a bit, we have a working relationship. They certainly wouldn't put up with being slaughtered in the deal."

"I asked Klift-that was his name- if he enjoyed his work. He said that he did. He pointed out that it allowed him to buy, and of course that was what a man was born to do.

"It is?" I asked. "It's what makes me happy", Klift replied with a contented grin.