
Chapter 30: Gofee With Friends, Part 2

"I know," I whispered. "When their grandparents first descended from space on Marble, they had left Earth in a hurry.There was massive fighting and bloodshed and disagreement; factions. They almost didn't make it; it almost ended in those first few months. I know gov. did it for the good of the group. But were they right? I still often have dreams of longing for my parents---."

"All true, Mica. But really, what do you really know about these families you see and envy? Not all children are on loving terms with their parents."

"I'm sure you're right, Vuud. But look-I have never forgiven gov for that. I really think I'd take the worst parents who would love me instead of no one who did."

"Boy, Mica, I've never heard you so sad, so soft," said Ronnie.

"Huunh," I moaned. Vuud looked at me seriously, sympathy wrapped in peanuts, mushrooms too.

"I found out something the other day," said Ronnie. "It's kind of unbelievable but I can really understand it: You can rent kids here!"