
Chapter 34: Olivine in the Meadow

It was a brilliant morning deep in the Fallows. I felt like the first explorer in this pristine wilderness, at least of the human variety. I inhaled absolutely enchanted air and felt myself more vigorous from it. I felt like running, like splitting out of my protective thickskin, like diving into one of the sparkling fast flowing rivers. The colors were glistening wetly: greens, brown, whites, flowering red, shiny yellow, lavender, orange and black. A slight scent of fungus joined the freshness, boldness, vitality.

I had set the skimcraft down in a quarter of the grid I had not been in. I had imposed a grid on this area seventy-five miles east of Garner to explore at the direction of my curious employers. The grid was 100 square miles and included the spot Mica and I had visited and two other locations I had mapped out on my own; each one fascinating and different.