
Chapter 47: Settling In, Part 2

"I would guess that you all dream of leaving this place."

"Yes, we do what we can to make our lives here good. But most of us are looking forward to that day when we, changed as we are we know- can go back to the surface, escape from our stone confinement. We are also concerned about our limited gene pool and what may be happening to our evolution."

"So,you want to study me---how?"

"We desperately need a person or two, who could develop the ability to go out the river exit, and survive and report to us how it went and how we could follow."

"Surely someone has tried it already."

"In every generation, several try it, but none has survived. Or at least if they did we haven't heard; so I really believe they did not. Also, we need to examine your blood and some other things to see what is different and how we could be made to tolerate sunlight, which we can't, that wonderful, and for us, lethal force."