
Chapter 49: Push to Shove

More and more I became convinced that what was in the pond was truly a powerful new medicine. I was puzzling over what could make this small body of water so much more healing than any other. I was reluctant to disturb it by looking for answers. It had occurred to me that the soil beneath the pond held decomposing plant life, perhaps bacteria; even the soil itself could be the source. I was so completely thrilled that I had actually found this impossible dream drug, and that because of it I would be able to obtain the release of Anmaline from those monsters---.

I rejected the idea of protecting the pond from all but me I thought that that would be the surest advertisement and would probably cause more curiosity and then investigation than anything. I could not let it be disturbed. I did manage to get ahold of several stout containers of the water which I have tentatively christened "Aguita".