Circles And Crosses

The boy sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. Needless to say, they did this while thinking about his sister.

Of course, she was young and could live with her uncle or aunt, but he had to play an essential role because he was the one that stole her parents from her.

He had to look after all her expenses after she was to turn twenty-seven, probably that was why he was allowed to go only after ten years.

It was pretty weird because no one to date was given such a less punishment. Of course, maybe this was possible because his father's friend had a high position and influenced the judgment.

He realized that this was not a dream only after spending two to three days in prison. Till then he was quite violent and even hit many prisoners who were present alongside him.

But oh well, after that, he became quiet as if he had not done anything.

All he did was weep because of the happenings.