The First Clue

Terran couldn't continue and tell what he wanted.

His voice failed to come out of his mouth.

And this was all because of the eyes that were staring at him. The pupils were completely red and except for the outer white portion, it seemed like red torchlight was being flashed with a golden ring in the middle.

It was quite frightening even for a dragon who had killed a celestial once!


'What the heck is-'

The eyes of a predator that doesn't leave anything. Shin's eyes resembled those eyes.

It was probably the first time the dragon had experienced such as thing, surprisingly it gave him chills.

'Why does it feel like I have seen these eyes somewhere…?', the dragon asked himself.

It was sunny again and the bright glow dimmed only to vanish soon.

After that Shin had his normal black eyes.

"So I shouldn't be kind?", Shin asked this in the end.

Terran had nothing else to say so he just nodded his head.