The Reverse Potion


"Old man Mo…"

"You shouldn't be harsh on your juniors!", Shin shouted at the top of his voice.

"Huh?", Terran was confused and surprised by what Shin said.

The same applied to Mo, he was also surprised to see Shin call his name and say that.

'How did he know my name?'- that was the first thing that surprised him.

'More than that, how can he call me by my name!?'- that was a much bigger surprise which Mo experienced.

Well, until now, whichever race he met, they would either call him Elder Tree or would call him the Great Tree of Thuren.

Of course, not all knew that he could speak. He was just one of a kind, there were other such trees for sure, but none of them had such intelligence as Mo.

Being a tree or rather a monster with a name is something unimaginable. So one could clearly say how strong a named monster tree would be when compared to other such trees.