The Witch's Story - Part 1

"Are you kidding me right now?"

Shin was genuinely surprised by her new form which was totally different from the previous one – a better form to be said.

She now turned into a new hybrid – a mixture of a tiger and a wolf.

Yes, earlier there were many more mixtures and it was hard to call her something, but now it could be said that she looked more like a tiger with black stripes all over her body while having a young wolf-like face.

Her tail was like that of a tiger, having stripes of course. The body seemed to be similar to a white tiger too, maybe because of the stripes and nothing else.

Her height increased too and she was now a bit smaller than Terran all of a sudden.

"Just how many forms do you have anyway?" – Shin asked.

She changed all of a sudden so this was surprising indeed.

"Uh, I'm not sure…", she replied with a burst of hesitant laughter.
