The Tears Of The Forest Goddess

Shin kept staring at Mo for a minute or two and was tired already.

"How long will it take for the potion to take effect?", Shin asked when he ran out of patience.

"I think, it will take a few hours for the potion to take effect considering his size.', was what Kaily said.

Well, the potion was meant to break the curse, so size didn't matter actually.

It was the strength of the curse that mattered since it was common sense that a stronger curse will take much more time to break or be lifted when compared to a weaker curse.

'She isn't making any sense, but I think that's how her potions work.', Shin concluded and left the site after bidding Mo farewell and went to join the elves.

Mo had no issues with that. He was happy instead since he was soon going to be in his original shape and size with his original lifespan.

Kaily followed Shin and gathered just under the humongous tree in which many Arb elves resided.