Shadow Wolves Vs Boar King

"They think they are some bigshots just because they killed some puny insects…", the Boar King that stood in front of them said in a loud and deep voice.

It had that presence that could easily make anyone die in fear.

In any case, the way the boar looked at the shadow wolves –was similar to an elephant looking at an ant.

Yes, it could literally squash them under his legs if he wanted.


The shadow wolves stared at him. They were overwhelmed with fear and couldn't think straight. On one side, they could feel their instincts shouting in fear and telling them to escape. On the other hand, their hearts are asking them to prevent the boar from attacking Shin.

The boar then looked at Shin and Blanca who were unconscious.

"Well well, look at the mountain God…"

"This is a perfect moment to kill him!", the boar said.