The Heavenly Monkeys Vs The Dark Tigers - Part 2

"How dare you!?", seeing one of its members die, the leader of the dark tigers was pissed off.

While the killing was allowed now, seeing someone else kill your clanmates would definitely enrage you.

The battle continued and many tigers got injured but the monkey looked as if he was enjoying this battle.

'Such terrifying power and he isn't even the leader.', the leader of the tigers thought, as he kept getting angry.

The fact that he himself didn't go up to the podium and let others fight was confusing. Well, it was the request of his clanmates after all.

After seeing one of their fellow members die, they all thought about protecting their leader.

So instead of letting him go, they jumped onto the podium.

'Even if we die, we will at least bring glory or at least help master to notice the weaknesses of the enemy…', some of them thought.