Shin Vs Melos (4)

While both the skills seemed similar, they had a lot of differences.

First of all, the Eagles' skill seemed a bit advanced version of Shin as it summoned more than one hurricane in a single use. But in terms of strength, Shin's was definitely stronger!

On the other hand, the frost panthers used their skill which was as efficient as hurricanes. [Mega blizzard!]

The blizzard in the place increased ten folds. Shin clenched his teeth as he had to face such stronger skills. 

The twin-headed wyvern used its skill [Dark flames] taking advantage of the fact that Shin was busy trying to defend himself from the skills of the beasts. 

Shin quickly used his death aura to protect him by wrapping the death aura around his body.

The abyssal flames completely engulf him but since he wrapped the death aura around himself, he only suffered some minor scratches.